PRIMARY - 24 FEB 2025
"I have a complicated relationship with my body, but I'm gradually learning to be myself. This project is one of the stages. I was shooting on a wonderful sunny day. The sun was shining, flooding the room with light, and I decided to fool around. I didn't care what my breasts looked like. I don't care about disheveled hair. It's such freedom and spontaneity. It makes you feel that you and your body are one. The mess in the room - I don't care! My skin, my stretch marks, my unshaven legs- nothing bothers me. I was just jumping on the bed and taking photos (by the way, it is very difficult to do this). A couple of times my phone fell out of my hands and hit me on the forehead lol. My room is small, but part of my life is focused here now, because I work in it, all my heels, cosmetics and appliances are collected here. Therefore, it was important for me to show me and my workspace naturally, without feigned neatness."