06:13 - MAY 07 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 02 SEP 2020
"When I was preparing to shoot myself, I knew I wanted a nature theme, somewhat inspired by Eve, from Adam and Eve. I wanted it to be raw, real, and somewhat dirty - as nature is. I spotted the blooming morning glories climbing my fence outside my window, and decided to pick some flowers and leaves, knowing they would suit my room and hair well. While reviewing my first few topless photos, I couldn't help but laugh, because earlier that day I had burnt the SHIT out of my chest. There's no hiding that! My floor was dirty and paint splattered after a recent renovation, so I just laid nude on it to become dirty myself. It was empowering; relating this imperfect floor to my imperfect body, scattered with acne, my unshaven vagina, my flabby stomach and small breasts. My initial thought was, "I wish I shaved", but then it occurred to me, the whole point of this spontaneous shoot was to shoot my REAL self. FECK IT! Im going to embrace and highlight every feature of my body! And brighten up my usually self-conscious parts with beautiful flowers and leaves. Dirty clit, burnt chest, backne, and a chubby tummy. I love seeing how vulnerable, open, and truly beautiful I am, with almost no makeup or preparation. Throughout the shoot and after, I carry a full heart, a willing soul, and a loving spirit. Thankful for you, ISM. Thank you for presenting this opportunity for us to love our naked selves."

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