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En verdad siempre me gustó sacarme fotos, quizás no lo había asumido, pero desde los 18 años que modelo en fotos o pinturas, empecé con los trabajos de una amiga para la universidad de fotografía y después trabaje de modelo vivo en la universidad de bellas artes de la ciudad donde vivo, tmb trabaje para una pintora muy reconocida de argentina que se junto con una amiga con la que nos divertimos mucho, con ella también fuimos modelo de un fotógrafo. Tengo varixs amigxs fotógrafxs y siempre me divirtió hacer cosas absurdas para llamar la atención de su ojo. Creo que hay algo muy personal en el erotismo, digo, unx se seduce a si misma de cierta manera, a mí por lo menos me pasa eso. / In truth, I always liked taking photos, perhaps I had not assumed it, but since I was 18 years old I have been modeling in photos or paintings, I started with the work of a friend for a photography university and later I worked as a live model in the university of fine arts in the city where I live. I also worked for a well-known painter from Argentina, together with a friend with whom we had a lot of fun, with her we were also a model for a photographer. I have several photographer friends and I always had fun doing silly things to catch their eye. I think there is something very personal in eroticism, I mean, someone seduces themselves in a certain way, at least that happens to me.

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Gimena 'las_que_saben'
03 Mar 25
ZIP - 39 images
birthplace: Cordoba, Argentina
occupation: Fletera/Freighter
age: 31
height: 1.70m
relationship status: Soltera/Single
starsign: Libra
biggest passion in my life: El canto y las plantas/Singing and plants
I like to listen to: Me gusta escuchar el canto de los pájaros/I like to listen to birdsong
I like to watch: Gente cuando está concentrada en algo/People when they are concentrating on something
I like to smell: Marihuana/Marijuana
I like to taste: El café con leche vegetal a la mañana/Coffee with vegetable milk in the morning
I like to feel: El viento y el aire fresco/The wind and fresh air
favourite part of my body: Mis manos/My hands
favourite part of someone else's body: Manos - me gusta mirar como las otras personas las mueven, sus gestos, su forma/Hands - I like to watch how other people move them, their gestures, their shape
Why i shot myself: Porque quería ver si podía hacerlo y por tener una herramienta diferente con mi cuerpo. / Because I wanted to see if I could do it and because I had a different tool with my body.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Caetano Veloso
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mauricio Macri ex presidente de Argentina/Mauricio Macri former president of Argentina
Most outrageous thing I have done: Lo más escandaloso que he hecho fue hacer pis delante de una valla de policías que estaban cubriendo una iglesia en una marcha y hice pis mostrándoles el culo/The most scandalous thing I've ever done was pee in front of a fence of policemen who were covering a church in a march and I peed showing them my ass
Bands I like: Marina Sena, Sasha Sathya, Mantis Atex, La Joaqui, Ariana Puello
Books I like: Mafalda comic strip by Quino
Films I like: Telma y Luis/Thelma and Louise, Death Proof, Mi vecino Totoro/My Neighbour Totoro, La revolución de los mapaches/Pompoko