Wildcat786 says...
You look fantastic. Would love to see more of you.
5:40AM Sep 22nd 2009
lovemusic says...
A portfolio of a MAGNIFICENT good looking young lady with a perfect face and irresisitible eyes and lips. As well as her temptational breasts and nipples! Photo 117 is just outstanding (a very strong young woman!!!!). Thank you for sharing and please continue.
4:05AM Oct 2nd 2005
zaragatilho says...
How lovely you are.... kisses
10:46AM Jan 14th 2005
rcrahp says...
Thanks for being brave and taking a big step. Your eyes are the window to your beauty. Like one said before me...What scar???
12:47PM Jan 10th 2005
folgore says...
Beautiful. Naturally gorgeous. What is the scar from? Have one myself (a little higher up) after two open heart's and I have always been self-conscious about them. You have proven that there is no reason for that!
12:21PM Jan 10th 2005
wantingScott says...
oh, YES!!! you should be more outrageous, i think. make this the 2nd most outrageous thing you've done, Katherine.
8:50AM Jan 10th 2005
angelene says...
Wow! You are totally fucking gorgeous!
10:33PM Jan 9th 2005
en486u2 says...
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have broadened my horizons and understanding. From your very pleasant smile and relaxed appearance I would think that you are very comfortable with your body. You are very beautiful.
9:04PM Jan 9th 2005
goatlord says...
HOT!!!! I actually like the scar. It gives character. You are a beautiful woman. How about some more photos?PLEASE!!!!!!!
4:54PM Jan 9th 2005
poetwriter says...
You have a lovely body and a very lovely face.
4:53PM Jan 9th 2005
external says...
1:10PM Jan 9th 2005
choppahguy71 says...
feee -nom-in-al!!!!
8:30AM Jan 9th 2005
samknox says...
When you talked about "loving (your) body" it wasn't clear that you were referring specifically to your abdominal scar but, speaking as a male with normal hormonal levels, I can tell you it does nothing to take from your overall attractivness. Also...nice bum!
8:00AM Jan 9th 2005
MWCrazyNaked says...
Beautiful -- thanks for sharing with us...... What scar?
8:00AM Jan 9th 2005
metaphiz says...
you just made my morning!! please do another set soon. you are gorgeous.
6:34AM Jan 9th 2005
SCSIgirl says...
What a great face, what an incredible smile..... girl, you must be wonderful just to talk to. Please do another set for us sometime.
5:48AM Jan 9th 2005
aquilarex says...
Its a great folio, will you give more of that! By the way: in Germay an ad was broadcasted over tv with a black woman with a scar like you - she looked also great....
3:01AM Jan 9th 2005
mole42 says...
Wonderful! I have the same scar, I wish I could overcome my feelings about it the way you have done. I have difficulty even going to the pool for a swim.
1:46AM Jan 9th 2005
koby42 says...
I just read your statment and you get my sympahty. you have all you ask there. again god bless you.
12:17AM Jan 9th 2005
koby42 says...
I like your smile and photos. my fevorit pic is74 you have talent that i know.
12:12AM Jan 9th 2005