scjiggs says...
Wow! MISSYTRASH -- You are a dynamite chick with all the trappings of a temptress. If that is your goal, you have acheived it with this video. Please shoot more vids you are a great actress.
7:26PM Dec 29th 2006
playmkr278 says...
Why do some of you European woman like to have hair in your armpits. As a guy I like even mine to be shaved if it wasn't for the wierdness that it would cause with sports teammates in the lockerroom.
8:28PM Apr 13th 2006
playmkr278 says...
You have a very Keira Knightley like way about you. Where was the demise of the camera? Did I miss it?
8:26PM Apr 13th 2006
Hingi76 says...
Funny, great girl...Great eyes...
1:41AM Sep 20th 2005