troy_ism2 says...
such a beautiful folio. Thank you!
7:52PM Jul 26th 2023
ocelot says...
Ambra, you are utterly stunning! This is a brilliant folio, a set that certainly makes the heart beat a whole lot faster. You are a total babe with some truly amazing and phenomenal features. A beautiful face, warm engaging smile, knock out figure, exquisite skin tone, a killer butt and breasts that I am sure have brought a tear or two to a grown mans' eye, I know I won't be able to stop thinking about them. From the very first image to the last this contribution is flawless. The choice of location for the first half of this set, before your wonderful transformation, was inspired. Nothing beats a hot babe at the play on the beach. There is a real life and energy here, a very cheeky and playful personality shines through. Thank you so much for sharing and I really hope we get to see more of you in the future. Until then be safe and well oxoxo
12:36AM Jul 15th 2023