robort18 says...
Thank You for being open for doing this very spectacular shoot. It is perfection.
10:01AM Aug 4th 2012
littlenemo says...
Hmm. You're certainly a lovely, attractive woman, but to be honest I was surprised and disappointed to see that you felt you had to surgically alter your body. I see this site as a place for women of all shapes, sizes and colors to show how beautiful they are, regardless of whether or not they resemble Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson. It is of course your right to do what you see fit with your body, but I wish you had at least commented on why you had the surgery and how you feel about it now. On the other hand, we all do things to our body to make it (we hope) more attractive. I use Rogaine and pluck the hairs between my eyebrows. But I would draw the line at essentially mutilating a healthy, functioning organ. I'm very sorry if this comment makes you or anyone else uncomfortable or sad, but it seems to me that should be a place where both women and men declare loudly that it's not what you have but how you present it that counts.
5:46AM Mar 13th 2006
LeoBloom says...
A lovely face and a beautifully shot pussy. I particularly liked the closeup of your shaven mons in 98 - most original.
7:39AM Nov 14th 2005
beefish says...
I for one am extremely happy to be exhibited to!
7:55AM Feb 5th 2005
mcam2000 says...
sorry in being a little direct... it's written in your profile your body part you like is your butt... i just admired one shot showing it... why? are you planning a video or another upload?
3:18AM Nov 26th 2004
dayna says...
thanks every one for your comments i realy appreciate then. Im glad you like what you see have fun looking arond the site. love daynaxxx
5:50PM Aug 26th 2004
jwongl says...
A much better work and better attitude, Great!!!!
12:55AM Aug 16th 2004
rire000 says...
...notice there are more smiles between the two sets? I'd say the 'new look' works, both inside and out!
2:27PM Aug 15th 2004
FreightHauler says...
Boob Job? Well either way you still are one of the hottest chicks I have seen. IMHO, the smaller boobs you had rocked!
1:42PM Aug 15th 2004