says... SENSATIONAL!! As great as your other two folios are, my favourite is absolutely this!! And I love that you get some very good feelings out of doing this, so, we both do, out of what you did!! 3:52PM Jul 30th 2020
says... Uma beleza incrivel! Gosto muito dos teus dois folios. (I speak some Portuguese.) You have an incredible smile, you seem to be happy and free! You are also sexy as hell! #97 is such a beautiful selfie. xx 3:57PM Feb 13th 2020
says... Ana_B, you're certainly beautiful and sexy! As for the standards of modern society, well they change with the wind, and have ranged from the enormous body size of the Venus of Willendorf to the almost skeletal of recent times. And everything in between. So just be you and no one else. Come again! 2:23PM Sep 23rd 2019