Felix56 says...
How "sexual" are you Joan!!!! major Preamo photos here..... thanks heaps for these.... a 'true blue' Aussie girl at her best!!!!......... thanks........ A x
4:08PM Jan 3rd 2007
akronohio says...
Quute a gem there. thanks
3:11PM May 3rd 2006
lobosolo161 says...
absoluteley marvelous. Pleeeease send more!!
3:38AM May 3rd 2006
Saltydog says...
Glad your from oz. I don't have to move there.
2:19AM Mar 1st 2006
u057905 says...
eautiful brown eyes...a pretty smile...hot and sexy! Will surely give you the tingles!
11:11AM Feb 23rd 2006
admiraljohn says...
At last a woman who is not afraid of her sexuality
8:05AM Oct 17th 2005
Helium says...
Quite apart from other distractions, you have an amazingly expressive face.
5:48AM Sep 12th 2005
LeoBloom says...
Hello again, Joan - just popping up again after two months to say that in my three months of membership yours is the set that has given me most pleasure - for fun, high spirits, originality, variety, inventiveness and aheer raunchiness it's just unequalled.
9:43AM May 30th 2005
wantingscott says...
oh my good god...
1:48PM May 20th 2005
wevangel says...
Superb! A picture of your shaved mons , glistening with the light of a tropical dawn, should hang in the Metropolitan museum. I particularly liked # 107 as it resembles a wild flower .
9:03PM Apr 18th 2005
bogggy says...
Quelle joie, quel plaisir evident a montrer ainsi chaque détail de son anatomie comme si il y avait pour toi un besoin irrepressible de séduire sans retenue, comme si la camera allait te prendre et te faire jouir!! Quel mystère habite certaines femmes à vouloir toucher l'autre, invisible.
5:08AM Apr 18th 2005
beefish says...
Fabulous. Personally I prefer the "hairless" look - and I don't think it ever gets much better than this. I only wish that I was on the beach!
12:10PM Apr 1st 2005
jastek says...
Beautiful and magnificent shoot, the most perfect private parts i have ever seen. Is there a video to?
9:27PM Mar 31st 2005
silkbox says...
magnificent --- great body --- lovely smile and you like breakfast at tiffanys ---- everytime i think this site has topped out it just gets better --- thankyou for sharing and a heart felt WOW!!!
6:26AM Mar 30th 2005
trickywicked says...
One of the few shoots that ends up being erotic as well as beautiful. Wonderful stuff
12:56AM Mar 30th 2005
reuben says...
Beautiful! Awesome shots of a stunning beauty! Encore!!
1:06PM Mar 28th 2005
wantingscott says...
oh that's gonna chafe. these artists must really really love us.
11:56AM Mar 28th 2005
liandra_dahl says...
This site has a voting system...
7:11AM Mar 28th 2005
Aviewer says...
Superb! This site needs a voting system. What an incredible display of beauty! Great angles, and an artistic showing. Your smile is captivating! More smiles are always in order!
6:03AM Mar 28th 2005
rob_ort says...
Thanks for sharing your unique lovelyness. You are actually kinda "thrilling" to behold :)
10:15PM Mar 27th 2005
gogolmc says...
WOW, Its usually difficult to get good bottom shots on ISM but picture 124 is beautiful! Fantastic curves and intimate detail... WOW.
5:50PM Mar 27th 2005
paul1604 says...
4:04PM Mar 27th 2005
external says...
I voted for you, etc...
3:16PM Mar 27th 2005
external says...
Having come back to look again, I can only bow to your sublime beauty. Thanks again for sharing it so freely...
3:15PM Mar 27th 2005
marceire says...
mm, 124 has got to be the best 'tradesman's entrance' shot I have ever seen -)
2:45PM Mar 27th 2005
hornysecret says...
Very nice girl, perfect tan, just about the right melange in terms of skin tone and a wicked way to tease! Thanks for sharing!
1:13PM Mar 27th 2005
sectorbaars says...
Dirty = H2O -)
11:34AM Mar 27th 2005
raasclat says...
best folio ever!!!... ...I can really tell you have alot of confidence in your sexuallity and your beauty... ...absolutely breathtaking... ...thank you:)
11:12AM Mar 27th 2005
andrewstamp says...
Ditto on all the previous comments.
10:40AM Mar 27th 2005
link007 says...
Nice folio of a pretty girl, a master of macro photography for sure... photogenic nether regions, nice boobs, love your smile in #023, please endulge us with more!
10:07AM Mar 27th 2005
SCSIgirl says...
Joan, Joan, Joan, you are a siren that leads men to their destruction. What an incredibly beautiful, sexy woman. I wish you would model for me.
8:54AM Mar 27th 2005
LeoBloom says...
Oh, and I forgot to add / you have the most beautiful hands.
8:10AM Mar 27th 2005
external says...
The most delicious and alluring bit of seafood I've ever seen, alas I probably will never be able to sample... Thank you so much!
8:09AM Mar 27th 2005
LeoBloom says...
Oh dear, oh dear, what a wonderful Easter bunny! You've got it all - looks, no inhibitions, high spirits. Every shot is a gem, and how you've suffered for your art! By the way, your finger WAS just removing the sand, wasnt it. Beautiful breasts. My only gripe is that you were so anxious to show us your anus that we dont get to see your bottom properly. And 030 is just lovely. Come back soon.
8:01AM Mar 27th 2005
zimbonies says...
I have to agree with carloz -- all the 'private bit' parts are wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us -- and I hope that you don't get chaffed! BTW, 055 -- how'd you do that??!
6:01AM Mar 27th 2005
ISMcuriou5 says...
Awesome, beautiful and arousing. Love the sand on breasts pics
4:09AM Mar 27th 2005
kobold says...
I voted for you.
3:46AM Mar 27th 2005
carloz says...
A really nice set. I love the color of your skin, beautiful! And the few, errm, more "private" shots -- gorgeous. ) Thanks for sharing!
1:18AM Mar 27th 2005