pihafan2 says...
Just has to be about the best portfolio I have seen.
6:15AM Jul 2nd 2014
mpfeffer1 says...
Absolutely one of my favorite models on this entire site!!!. Please post more....
4:00PM Apr 2nd 2008
LOOOMI says...
Oh, yes, CLE, I love this one too ! LOOOOOOOvvvEEEEEEEEEEEELLYYY
4:57PM Dec 1st 2007
thebiffy says...
amazing body! totally gorgeous
1:48PM Feb 22nd 2007
gooner says...
Cle, You're so hot ever, unbeliveble body.
12:52PM Apr 17th 2006
c32amg says...
A favorite model and a beautiful set - thanks!
3:48AM Dec 12th 2005
TheeCat says...
Looks like a very pleasant afternoon out with gorgeous and enchanting company. I like the way that, in #153, those flimsy little knickers don't quite cover her gorgeous thatch of fur. The genie is out of the bottle, and there's no putting it back.
10:26AM Jul 25th 2004
TodWaits says...
An angelic girl a beautiful location = one of the best folios thusfar! Favs = 18, 21, 34, 36 and 56, 60, 85, 153 nearly made me weep! I'm utterly enchanted by you and this flawless set of photos...
9:39AM Jun 2nd 2004
ca1234 says...
Beautiful girl...I am amazed there aren't more comments. Incredibly sexy, sweet smile too!
2:33PM Apr 5th 2004
dario271 says...
Perfection! :-)
8:27AM Mar 30th 2004
link007 says...
Once again, you've managed to produce yet another delightful folio, lovely face, eyes, body.....ah...hell, you're gorgeous from head to toe!
6:50AM Mar 30th 2004