charlot1 says...
Bonjour Rosa...on peut dire ici, quelle jolie aussi quel adorable toutou...
11:29AM Feb 27th 2010
niporto100 says...
Lucky dog....:)
12:46PM Apr 29th 2008
officeboy says...
Wow - great video Rosa. You seem like an absolute lovely young woman - with lovely personality as well as face and body. Wish I did know you but sadly I don't! And Lily looked very cute too :)
11:33AM Jun 8th 2007
sirbaihu says...
Rosa, you are a total doll. I love you to the max.
7:43AM Jan 12th 2006
TantumV28 says...
Dear Rosa! I love your video as well as your other folios. You are really beautiful and you also seem to be a very nice girl. Hope to see some new folios from you soon!
8:01AM Aug 30th 2005
spinfin says...
Hi Rosa Really appreciate you taking the risk of your father or bf discovering this, to share your loveliness with us. You are incredibly beautiful. I take it that you are hoping for many comments, and I was disappointed that you only had four before mine. Still, I'm sure we are all appreciative, as are many others who have not left comment. Malcolm
3:06PM Aug 26th 2005
seb268 says...
Rosa, you are very sexy. hope to see more of you
2:33PM Mar 24th 2005
monito1 says...
Rosa you are beautyful. I love you.
1:15AM Jan 6th 2005
silkbox says...
This is the first time i have watched one of these videos three times in a row ------ you are so lovely it almost makes me want to move to australia despite the deadly spiders. Keep them coming.
4:29AM Nov 17th 2004
link007 says...
You are absolutely adorable!!! Thanks for sharing I promise I won't tell your boyfriend or father! Loved your first folio, your video is terrific & I looked forward to the subsequent reload! BTW, nice meeting Lilly as well!
4:58PM Nov 16th 2004