says... Love this shoot, so sexy and beautiful...
Hope you do more....Thank you 3:40PM Sep 14th 2020
says... Nothing in this shoot gives away that you had limited options when it comes to the setting. Youre blessed with a stunning beauty and have an artistic talent and imagination. You show that you only need a couple of mirrors to stand out. I did not notice any weight gain, just a lovely, gorgeous lady and a seemingly perfect shoot. I guess if your roommate saw this shoot he would be in total admiration too.
Thanks for sharing. Hit list shoot. 11:25PM Sep 12th 2020
says... You have nothing at all to worry about. You are a beauty even in these challenging times. Thank you for the pandemic portfolio. 9:02PM Sep 12th 2020
says... You think you've put on weight and you didn't feel comfortable? You think you've...??!! You're looking just great!! 2:09PM Sep 12th 2020