Skin25 says...
Beautiful girl! Thanks for sharing.
8:42PM Aug 6th 2013
soalsurfer says...
4:47PM Nov 23rd 2009
silvatek says...
You have the face that I want to wake up next to in the morning. Simply gorgeous.
11:12AM Dec 26th 2007
mrkozmik2 says...
I cannot believe this one didn't garner more comments. Nos. 9-14 got me going--I could only think about, oh, wanting to push that lavender shirt up. Or down maybe. But the thrill of anticipation would be worth not ripping it all the way off for a while. The rest of your body was too much--the fullness of your face and lips, not to mention the breasts, the soft round ass. Then the shots of your crotch that practically put you in the photos, where you can almost smell and taste . . . well, y'know. Unbelievably hot, all of this folio, the hottest on ISM.
5:27PM Feb 8th 2006
LeoBloom says...
81 is just the sort of shot I love - done to perfection. The softness of the legs and buttocks with their little crevices, gently downed, and opening inwards - though so much more sexily than the more explicit 82 - which I'm NOT complaining about. And I love the finger slyly peering round the corner in 127.
2:00PM Sep 30th 2005
Micha9999 says...
Wow you look really phantastic !
6:58AM Aug 23rd 2005
djdanafc says...
Cassandra, just me again to say you are just brilliant and I hope you will reload again, I don't tire of seeing you on this site. One of my absolute favourites, I think you are ever so gorgeous. Your beautiful eyes, sexy smile, flowing wavy hair, voluptous breasts and sexy pubic bush. Sorry I'll stop gushing now but had to stop by and show more appreciation for such a beautiful young woman with a delicious body.
3:09PM Dec 3rd 2004
horndawg says...
What a pretty face! #103 gets my vote! You have a smile like Mona Lisa and gorgeous eyes. #18 is a lovely snapshot of your persona. You won my heart when I saw my name tattooed on your bee-hind...
9:20AM Nov 22nd 2004
6:31PM Nov 16th 2004
glennpein says...
you are without a doubt one of the best on this site. Please reload again..........VERY SOON!!!!!
4:44PM Nov 16th 2004
link007 says...'re absolutely gorgeous, didn't think you could top your first folio but DAMN if you didn't! Daniel's one lucky dude! Hope you plan on posting a video & countless reloads!
4:18PM Nov 15th 2004
rcrahp says...
Congratulatoins on your engagement, Daniel should be a very happy guy
2:42PM Nov 15th 2004
trickywicked says...
I have to go for a glass of water.
10:07AM Nov 15th 2004
taxitaxi says...
juste un doigt ! merci
12:50AM Nov 15th 2004
xoxe66 says...
Baby,you are just beautyful !!!!! 067 is my favorite, i just love your breasts
8:19PM Nov 14th 2004
htfrfn says...
Cassandra you are a very beautiful and sensual woman. Your eyes are so beautiful and sparkle with life. I could look at 143 for hours. I am glad that it excites you that people would enjoy looking at your lovely body. I have to be honest and tell you that looking at your folio really excited me!!
7:28PM Nov 14th 2004
madaddict says...
Cassanda wow amazing, and i'm very honored to have my name tattooed on your sweet back side, you are very very beautiful thank you for sharing yourself.
6:04PM Nov 14th 2004
djdanafc says...
My goodness Cassanda. Everything I loved about you from the first shoot is back again. You look gorgeous in this simple but effective shoot with some great angles on your wonderful body. Really love pic103, what beautiful eyes!
3:16PM Nov 14th 2004