says... If ever I had a canvas such as ye, a masterpiece each day would I thus produce...very nice, keep painting 1:57PM Oct 19th 2004
says... I like 56, as does everyone else who insistently eschews its acknowledment in lieu of reference to "original visual ideas" - when can we all start calling a spade a spade? 62 is nice though. 1:52AM Oct 19th 2004
says... Nicely done, Jena... 62 is breathtaking,
i also really like 11, 88, 124... thanx for sharing, please reload! 9:24PM Oct 18th 2004
says... This set contains some fascinaring and original visual ideas, as well as plenty of 'lust-ocity' (sic). 4:05PM Oct 17th 2004