says... To those of you that added a comment - thank you!
I only just looked at these for the first time today.
I love the tattoo too, its sort of supposed to represent life with old trunk memories and new leaves today.
To catman, I like #69 the most I think. 1:04AM Apr 4th 2005
says... I am rooting for yours as tat of the year. Great taste, and an image that is timeless, good enough for a lifetime.
(which is the life span of a tat if you think about it. ) I never thought of getting one because I could not think of an image that would be 'me' and good for life.
Well done! 6:50AM Jan 18th 2005
says... Love the Tat!! 4:12PM Jan 17th 2005
says... WOW,gorgous! #62 gets me. 2:34PM Jan 17th 2005