soalsurfer says...
You are so
7:35PM Nov 29th 2009
hlarson says...
nice butt :)
1:11PM Nov 12th 2007
rob_ort says...
As I downloaded these frames your beguiling look disoriented me. Your pouting nipples demand fixated attention. Your dazzling delicate hips sizzle radiantly beyond the static paints. Your nude art is enchanting. Your lewd art: poetry. In other words - you're pretty darn attractive - head to toe. Nicely done!
1:49AM Mar 26th 2005
CityOfAngels says...
Really like the setting you chose. The colors and shapes of the paint cans and newspapers make for interesting contrasts with and compliments to your face and figure. And what a face! There's something very 1920s/Art Deco about your face and hair, and that's a good thing.
10:10AM Mar 25th 2005
philos says...
Super girl - please return soon.
3:54PM Mar 23rd 2005
katzen says...
Stunning, absolutely! Gorgeous lips, fabulous skin, and hair so beautiful. Horse trainers near my Washington (DC) just do not measure up. You paint as well?
3:50PM Mar 23rd 2005
Nude4Fun says...
I couldn't say it better myself, trscphantom! A little hair is always nice to see. Thanks so much for sharing, Karamel.
11:10AM Mar 23rd 2005
trscphantom says...
Lovely, perky breasts. Also nice to see a girl with a bit of hair down there.
4:34AM Mar 23rd 2005
markwrx2 says...
I'll second leobloom. Great shoot from a very pretty woman.
4:05AM Mar 23rd 2005
theconia2 says...
Karamel, don't listen to the likes of ericastarr. You're absolutely beautiful!
1:53AM Mar 23rd 2005
ericastarr says...
one last comment. bodies need context.
12:34AM Mar 23rd 2005
LeoBloom says...
May I be the first to salue the beauty of your breasts in 036
12:20AM Mar 23rd 2005