bogggy says...
Tu peux expliquer cette chose que tu pretends avoir faite : "Killed an elderly lover during sex"... on nage ds l'imaginaire, le virtuel, le reve etc... What's so funny?
4:15AM Aug 20th 2005
liandra_dahl says...
Obsidian- actually your completely correct, she'll kill me for telling you this but she has an IQ of 163, no shit.
4:37AM Aug 17th 2005
obsidian01 says...
You're kind of a genius, aren't you.
8:09PM Aug 16th 2005
Rogerc says...
Evocative. Powerful. Handsome. vulnerable. Energy for the world. Powerful with an unbelievably gorgeous, yet mysterious body and magical eyes.
6:28PM Aug 15th 2005
liandra_dahl says...
Beautiful as ever, best folio yet. happy birthday for later this week gorgeous, can't wait for saturday, Melbourne's going to have to watch out. Oh and check your email, all the girls from the ISM sex dinner party are emailing each other and planning to come to your party.
5:31AM Aug 15th 2005