falcao says...
Oh, I second that motion: Picture No. 1 is exceptional. You're adorable, Brodie. Thanks for blessing us with these pictures.
5:46PM Jul 31st 2005
eroseyes says...
Brodie, I like your comments about never expecting you would ever photograph yourself - you're fun - nice to see you another time. This shoot is kinda short, but effective! 001 and 006 are my favorites. I was lovin 073 but you kinda didn't give it up... Hope to see more of you, cause you're a cutie and photograph soooo very nicely! Thanks!
4:17AM Jul 28th 2005
markwrx says...
Very very nice. More please!
7:35PM Jul 27th 2005
Neilj67 says...
23,25,54,93 hell yeah. hot. but I might get worried if I saw that 54 look too often.
6:35PM Jul 27th 2005
meristim says...
thank you brodie for the set....
6:29PM Jul 27th 2005
SCSIgirl says...
I'm chanting again: Brodie Brodie Brodie Brodie Please, Brodie, Please Brodie Brodie Brodie
4:44PM Jul 27th 2005
djdanafc says...
A short set but there are enough photos for the lovely Brodie to have captured her appeal. A really pretty face, lovely eyes and a wonderfully shapely and feminine body. More of Brodie and her beauty please! I can now go to sleep happy and ready for what tomorrow brings.
3:22PM Jul 27th 2005
CharlieD says...
Am glad that you did the shoot. It was beautiful and you are adorable. Let us see you do it again.
3:20PM Jul 27th 2005