thecatman says...
Really sexy - I love all your natural hair! Thanks for sharing.
11:36AM Jul 22nd 2005
GusTheMynahBird says...
Adorable and quirky I love the sunlight in the fine hairs on your legs, your funky green undies, your lovely smile and playful manner, and the lush curls of your pubic hair are something special too. You are magnificent, and please do an encore.
4:57PM Mar 20th 2005
maxman says...
Great pictures! Love the sun on your hairy legs and tummy. You are so sexy like that I want to take you home! Please let us see more! 004 005 and 082 are my favs. You are the greatest!
5:28PM Mar 16th 2005
muustaafaa says...
Fur! Yaaay!
4:37PM Mar 15th 2005
brobdig says...
You stick out your tongue at us 009 and then you smile at us 016. Your smile is open and friendly, your breasts firm and fine, your pubic mound deliciously covered. Ah, to be able to see evenything and yet nothing at the same time!! Thank you.
3:26PM Mar 15th 2005
yumyum says...
I love the hair!!!!! Thanks for the pics!!
9:22AM Mar 15th 2005
rofo69 says...
Gotta love that bush!! I mean, can't get an closer to nature than that! I'd love to be your stylist,,,,,,,,,,, -Rofo xoxoxox
8:54AM Mar 15th 2005
Clark704 says...
Nice girl, nice frackles - thanks!
7:38AM Mar 15th 2005
clayguy says...
Awww a 23 year old... why play with that number? You look great, who cares if your 23 or not?
6:22AM Mar 15th 2005
peregrine1204 says...
A nice, playful series of peek-a-boo shots. Like tsunami, I too enjoyed the fuzz in the sun shots. At first, I didn't care for the framing of many of the pics: how you cut out part of your face on so many. Then I realized that that seemed to be part of the plan and adds to the implied spontaneity of the whole series. Thanks. I loved it.
4:49AM Mar 15th 2005
tsunami says...
First to comment eh? Oh the pressure! Beautiful, playful girl. Love the peach-fuzz-in-the-sun shots and my, what an admirable bush. #139 is fab, one of those POV shots for the observer's imagination, thanks much and encore please!
1:58AM Mar 15th 2005