markohardo says...
Those floorcam shots are especially hot!
11:10PM Jun 10th 2021
kevin58 says...
Gorgeous desirable
10:01AM Apr 19th 2020
juvenon says...
I don't need you to be all made up, your confidence and sexuality comes shining through just as you are.
11:53PM Apr 8th 2020
Lively says...
Chloe, if you hadn't mentioned your scars in your profile, I would not have taken notice of them. I don't know about the audience at your workplace, but I believe you have shown us the version of yourself that is most appealing. You are stunningly beautiful. Thank you for sharing these photos.
10:51AM Apr 5th 2020
Gringlebord19 says...
Beautifully shot. Thank you.
6:19PM Apr 3rd 2020
mmaxis47 says...
Beautiful. I love every photo. You remind me of Emmanuelle Bart when she was younger.
11:12AM Apr 3rd 2020
theconia3 says...
Chloe, each and every one of your photos is aesthetically pleasingevery single one. Your body is amazing and like many others, I find that surgical scars are quite beautiful, much like tattoos or other body decorations. Never be ashamed of your scars. They are reminders of the challenges and victories that we face in our daily lives. Thank you for sharing.
6:54AM Apr 3rd 2020