xcaffeine says...
Really like the 'life drawing' feel ... really works well. Love the smile, especially 092, how can anyone resist those beautiful 'puppy dog eyes' (064) and I can never resist those side on poses like 047 & 049. Hope no-one you know finds this so we can have a reload :-)
6:25AM Nov 17th 2005
lovemusic says...
A very natural and beautiful woman. Your nipples are just superbe!
12:25PM Aug 14th 2005
You are awesome. What a georgous girl. Please do more.
10:18PM Mar 4th 2005
SCSIgirl says...
I'm really trying to resist making a comment about Chinese food, but if this girl were on my plate, I'd be eating all day.
8:23PM Mar 3rd 2005
maaz24 says...
Nipples like limpet shells, the way I like 'em!!
11:33AM Mar 3rd 2005
19sharkey69 says...
Well, I must admit, you are by far the most beautiful Chinese girl I've ever seen so far - naked or dressed. Love the face shots (esp. # 2 and 91)... and # 99 is another fav of mine.
10:02AM Mar 3rd 2005
rob_ort says...
The mouthgard? hmmm, yes maybe. You are very pretty. I love your nipples. Would love to see you open up a little more to the camera. Please consider a return visit/ video (seems you have different slant w/ dialog) . Very nicely done!
7:21AM Mar 3rd 2005
wantingscott says...
6:16AM Mar 3rd 2005
SCSIgirl says...
What an incredibly beautiful model and a killer body to boot. You must light up rooms whereever you go. Some of the poses are just outstanding. What a sexy girl!!
5:31AM Mar 3rd 2005
external says...
Very, very beautiful, and very natural with the camera. Please let's have more pics and maybe a video?
3:20AM Mar 3rd 2005
cozmicsurfer says...
Asian Fever has struck hard. Love the small breasts with nice nipples. Asian pubes always look good too. Not to mention that smile.
12:29AM Mar 3rd 2005
aquilarex says...
And - will you give me more!
12:03AM Mar 3rd 2005