says... This is so wonderful, I love it. 9:05PM Jan 11th 2010
says... Sweet...great figure and lovely face. Hope to see you again! 3:27AM Dec 17th 2009
says... parfaitement dlicieuse et desirable !
Comment entrer en contact avec vous ????? 8:33AM Nov 10th 2007
says... Sorry also one of the most beautiful faces pure natural ability and looks the best so far for shear beauty 10:44AM Feb 27th 2007
says... just adore 50. near but so far - 10:42AM Feb 27th 2007
says... I've died!!! and gone to heaven!!! I hope when I do that 'your' my Angel Evivie cause you are one SUPA!!! young lady.... preamo photos and ultra Sexy too!!!! Hmmmmmm... major Yummo here!... many thanks Eviuve.... Happy New Year to you... catchya catchya..... Andreas XOXOX 5:53AM Dec 31st 2006
says... bravo evive j'ai revé d'avoir une instit coquine et alors là c'est sublime !
continue et puis vive, la vie si jolie quand tu souris 9:18PM Jan 22nd 2006
says... Chère Evive,
la partie en lingerie est superbe, ce qui se trouvait chaché en dessous est encore meilleure.
J'espère de voir encore plus de toi sur ce site.
Meilleures salutations d'un flamand tout à fait surpris par tous tes projets. 5:13AM Dec 16th 2005
says... salut
jolie prof, l'éduc nat est gatée. tu es vraiment splendide !
amitiés. 3:38AM Apr 1st 2005
says... reviens vite avec un nouveau projet, j'ai hate de te revoir! 7:05AM Mar 29th 2005
says... 093 is as fine a picture of the figure 8 as one could wish for - like a Henry Moore sculpture, but so much warmer. 2:09AM Mar 17th 2005
says... magnificent - what a beauty. Loads more, please. 4:33AM Mar 15th 2005
says... beautiful woman beautiful setting --- what more could any man ask for ??? ----- more of the same PLEASE ---- so many great shots --- i love #22 just a hint of pink nipple as your bra fallls forward ---- wow ------ thank you very much MORE PLEASE 6:57AM Mar 9th 2005
says... Coucou Evive
De biens jolies photos, en esperant de revoir tres vite
Bizzz de Paris
CristoG 4:01AM Mar 5th 2005
says... Bonsoir Evive,
En regardant tes photos, j'ai l'impression tu t'es s'amuser. Tu a l'aire d'une petite princess avec ta peau blanche. Ca me fais penser a l'histoire Blanche Neige quand elle se promeene dans les bois... 5:04AM Feb 28th 2005
says... very pretty, chère compatriote. A reload indoors, maybe? Sure I'll enjoy it also.
Durval 12:17AM Feb 24th 2005
says... WOW!!! You have it all Darling, kiss... What man wouldn't go to the altar with you!?!? Please do a video with the same alluring attitude and posing.....! It's beautiful women like yourself, that compelled me to join this site.. Thank you! 12:41PM Feb 23rd 2005
says... I have a perculiar and overwhelming aversian to royal blue lacy underwear, however, shots 049 087 093 095 100 103 and 105 were so flipping gorgeous that my phobia of said underwear was overcome and I staid to tell you you have a delectable bum (and the rest of you of course) 4:17AM Feb 22nd 2005
says... Wow - compelled to make a first post. Absolutely stunning! 5:03PM Feb 18th 2005
says... HOT HOT HOT!!! Especially 93 10:42PM Feb 17th 2005
says... Sorry, did I forget to mention that she is downright beautiful, too? 10:40PM Feb 17th 2005
says... This gal could turn ANYman on!! I'll trade the Lousiana Territory for one night of dining out!!!! Yes those Francais have culinary down to a fine art. Now if the flavor just matches the incredible presentation.... 10:40PM Feb 17th 2005
says... This is the best folio in quite some time. In addition to the comments already made, I'll add that when the subject looks as if she's having fun, the results are almost always enjoyable for the viewer, too. I'll single out #57 as a very striking shot. Hope we see you here again soon. 6:17PM Feb 17th 2005
says... awesome series. Incredible lips. 6:01PM Feb 17th 2005
says... im a fan of 93. call me shallow. 5:47PM Feb 17th 2005
says... YUMMY !!!! I want to see the video now. 4:05PM Feb 17th 2005
says... Marvellous series, and #027 is most inspiring. Thank you for sharing :-) 1:28PM Feb 17th 2005
says... Vive Evive, ca vevive mes pensees de meme sort de tes pensees le plus frequentes. -----> le sexe.
Well done, good on you. This set makes me think of sex the way I did when young - with beaucoup de enthousiasm. 11:22AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Good god! Your beauty and promiscuity leave me speechless... Thank you for sharing your intimate parts and moments! It's girls like you who make it worth to be an ISM subscriber... 10:01AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Oh beauté de l'Allier, on voudrais encore voir des photos de toi sous toutes les coutures, tes photos sont trop belles et très érotiques pour certaines, c'est un vrai régal, reviens vite pour notre plus grand bonheur, amitiés de la Savoie. 9:53AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Zweifellos eines der besten Folios, die ich bisher gesehen habe. Sehr hübsches Mädchen und sehr gekonnte Posen, dabei sehr natürlicher Ausdruck, viel angenehme Intimität. Meine Lieblingsbilder sind 27, 83, 84 und 100. Gratulation! Ich hoffe, ich sehe bald noch mehr Bilder von Dir. 9:36AM Feb 17th 2005
says... FRECKLES!!! i love freckles, yes i do. i think freckles look great on you. thank god for freckles, they are my fave, when i see freckles i misbehave... 9:14AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Gorgeous. Well-composed and excellent use of natural light. 8:41AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Trés Magnifique!!! Trés Joli!!! Thanks for the sexy well shot folio, hope to see more from you soon! 7:48AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Perhaps the most beautifully erotic submissions I have seen. Such a beautiful woman and such a beautiful ass. 7:44AM Feb 17th 2005
says... One of the best shoots ever! Wholesome, fresh, clean, spectacular up and down - inside and out! Mercy.
Viva La France! 6:19AM Feb 17th 2005
says... That does it...I'm moving to France!
Thank you Evive! Can't wait for the reload! 2:50AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Great series ! 087 thru the end are just esquisite, Thank you for sharing your beauty with us. 1:54AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Wonderful photographs of a wonderful woman. #93 is a triumph of artistry, honesty, and pure sexiness! 1:34AM Feb 17th 2005
says... Mon dieu, Evive, comme j'aimerais avoir quelques années de moins pour .... retourner à l'école !!! à Vichy, of course ! BTW : very nice shots from a very nice girl !! - thanks. 1:00AM Feb 17th 2005
says... I am at a loss for words... joie de vive! 12:35AM Feb 17th 2005
says... superb! Great shots of a beautiful girl. 12:15AM Feb 17th 2005