says... bird, you heavenly creature: the notoriety you have attained here at ISM (and elsewhere) is well deserved you are without a doubt one of the most beautiful models and talented auto-photographers i've come across in my search for artful, alternarotica... as for your eyes, i could fall inside them and die! This is an achingly beautiful set of images... thanx, i guess i'll see you back at the nest... 9:15PM Oct 12th 2004
says... well thank you, minosxb! i like to think i aaam a kitty, so maybe it's everything combined! and as i did to another member, i'm gonna whisper something to you, and hope i'm not bad for doing it!: i quite think you'd like to play with us, and we hadn't yet begun when my oooold ISM bio was made! 3:34PM Oct 10th 2004
says... one of the best. you stop me dead in my impatient tracks. is it the eyes, curves or the kitty? who knows. who cares: it just works. loved your duet set, too. post more! 6:27AM Sep 26th 2004
says... thanks so much! but you knooow the kitty was the best part! xoh, bird. 3:53PM Sep 6th 2004
says... Gorgeous, voluptuous woman, love those curves, thanx for the reload, post more anytime! 3:21PM Aug 23rd 2004