ashvedana says...
You are practically perfect. WOW!
11:01PM Jul 19th 2020
_hyperballad_ says...
So, so pretty! This shoot is such a mood. I love the way you're exploring your body, angles, light, the way your hair sweeps over your body, it's all very gorgeous x
8:17PM Apr 21st 2020
navid20 says...
Awesome shoot, great perspectives, nice views, creative, stunning Claudine, gorgeous feet. Voted to hitlist.
5:32PM Apr 14th 2020
jeanchristophe says...
second foio aussi genial que le 1er !! Fait d'ombres et de lumire. Que d'emotion a decouvrir votre intimit, Claudine. Nous adorons votre visage!! Revenez vite, car vous nous manquez deja...
4:02AM Apr 14th 2020