isbjorn says...
You belong in the Louvre. You began as art and made the expression of yourself more beautiful and passionate. Please don't pierce or tattoo this marvelous canvas. Please submit more.
7:57AM Jun 17th 2004
evelyn says...
The shape of your face is so perfect for your lovely eyes. I especially like photo 71
3:12PM May 15th 2004
metolson says...
Amazing! 066 is truly special. Thank you.
2:09PM May 13th 2004
michaelwarnock says...
Oh yeah -- the painting thing is really cool, too......
4:17AM May 13th 2004
michaelwarnock says...
Not sure what kankle is, but I see no kankle here. Shots #073 and 088 just go to prove that you have the MOST awesome breasts on this site. Beautiful -- Thanks!
7:00PM May 12th 2004
link007 says...
Very creative & entertaining folio, #019 looks like a cartoon character, #032 showcases your gorgeous eyes, your breasts are magnificent, as for the title of your folio, I see no evidence of that, thanks for posting, hope to see you again!
9:19AM May 12th 2004