ben010 says...
16 is hot
9:24AM Dec 13th 2009
sirbaihu says...
So tight!
12:14PM Dec 9th 2005
stoli says...
sigh... you're so pretty. just, so, pretty. i miss seeing you around!
4:30PM Jun 11th 2005
immigrnt1 says...
strikingly beautiful...
1:22PM Nov 13th 2004
evelyn says...
lovely lovely beautiful you.
2:21PM Oct 6th 2004
bird says...
my sweet, sweet melissa... stunning, as always. you look so lovely, palewhite spread beneath sunlight. but your eyes & shy smile are my favorite, of course. love.
5:43PM Oct 5th 2004
19sharkey69 says...
Hi Melissa! Have I got that right, your parents think you are FAT? Hm, I know that a lot of Americans - and Germans too, btw - have problems with overweight... but I think your parents should go out more often to see what REALLY fat people look like. To my view, you are stunningly curvaceous. Full stop. Maybe I should adopt you then? :-)
9:01AM Oct 5th 2004
melissa says...
My dear philos, I didn't realize I come off with such a tone of deprication. Without getting too deep, it stems from my parents' constantly letting me know that, to them, the ones' who are supposed to love unconditionally, I am fat. I don't buy into it anymore, but I can't say the lifelong critique hasn't affected decisions I've made and such. But I appreciate that you don't agree with my parents at all and can see the beauty of curves. and to rcrhp, I respect your bravery for stating your opinion that I'm not your taste. I'm not a lot of peoples' cup of tea, but it just makes me want to open people up a bit more to something new.
3:37PM Oct 4th 2004
melissa says...
Thanks to all of you who've commented! It's quite a feat to keep myself UNtanned, so the kind words about my ghosty skin are appreciated kindly. So frequently random people will say things like "Whoa, you need a tan really bad," or that pale skin looks sickly....but I don't mind, they just don't understand that its part of who I am, something I wanted-a conscious decision- and that I am not one to try and please everybody... I also want to thank synergy for commenting about my eyebrows. Little things like that are so often overlooked. And thanks 19sharkey69 and todwaits for noticing my eyes. I hate to go on and on about myself, but I like to think they are one of my own favorite features. And I am quite a fan of the breasts DNA somehow gave me, so many thanks for all the breast appreciation here as well!
3:15PM Oct 4th 2004
rcrahp says...
Not my particular taste, but I respect your bravery to post on ISM. all the best..
2:47PM Oct 4th 2004
FFRayBan says...
Beautiful portfolio. Love your creamy skin, and your breasts are perfect! Cheers!
3:22AM Oct 4th 2004
synergy says...
You have fantastic eyebrows. I'm suitably jealous! Your entire set is lovely.
9:11PM Oct 3rd 2004
todwaits says...
Thanx for a very sexy folio, Melissa... 91 is my fav (i also really like 36, 41, & 52)... such smooth, milky-white skin, enchanting eyes & lovely breasts! please reload!
8:18PM Oct 3rd 2004
chromedinferno says...
You are very beautiful, great set.
11:15AM Oct 3rd 2004
gm12222 says...
Stunning!!! Cheers..
11:04AM Oct 3rd 2004
theda says...
your'e so gorgeous! swoon awesome tattoo by the way. why don't i ever meet any grrrls like you?
6:41AM Oct 3rd 2004
philos says...
Why all the self-deprecation Melissa - what's that about? Your Body is perfect, every bit of it. Yummy, you've sure got what it takes to raise my flag!
3:20AM Oct 3rd 2004
19sharkey69 says...
Yes, I confess... I love beautiful women - and I even love them more if they wear those tiny little metal rings all over their body. It makes me run wild! Melissa, you have a wonderful, very feminine body and lovely eyes. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.
12:59AM Oct 3rd 2004