tmirus says...
Lovely eyes and beautiful body.
5:10PM Nov 10th 2005
Yowzah99 says...
Picture 47 is an orgasm-inducing tribute to body hair. Oh my god... You make me weak at the knees!!
1:28PM May 29th 2005
Volpone says...
Your use of light and shadow was an unqualified success. Of course it helps that the subject matter of the photos is beautiful to begin with. Your eyes in 63 and 80 are luminously gorgeous. Photos 40 - 44 are all masterpieces.
2:36PM Jun 12th 2004
ddthound says...
All around magnificent, superb variety of not only angles but also lighting. Hoping another folio on the way.
10:11AM Apr 30th 2004
evelyn says...
oohhh, and absolutely love 103 of course!
1:59PM Apr 27th 2004
evelyn says...
mmnn bellies, I love bellies. Photos 42 and 53 are my favorites. Lovely.
1:58PM Apr 27th 2004
sbcaldom says...
Absolutely stunning. I want more.
11:12PM Apr 26th 2004
atila001 says...
Oh my god, i don't know what you mean by "not having what some people beleive are typically "beautiful" features" in your profile - you have stunning beauty and your body is to die for. Thankyou for sharing. x
6:52AM Apr 26th 2004
rock751 says...
Beautiful face 103, lovely breasts 023. Thanks for sharing.
6:43PM Apr 25th 2004
link007 says...
Cute girl, sexy figure, well shot folio, absolutely love #023!!!
4:50PM Apr 25th 2004
jamroh says...
Excellent set...beautiful.
9:50AM Apr 25th 2004
js9reno says...
Renke, you have every reason in the world to be proud of your body, every single inch of you is gorgeous! I love your smile, and the look of mischief in your incredible blue eyes, it really looks like you are having a blast. Thank you so much for sharing these photos, I only wish there was more. An outstanding and very creative effort.
7:56AM Apr 25th 2004
345am says...
Renke, sweet shots! my favorites are 80 & 97. thank you for sharing.
6:53AM Apr 25th 2004
Weltevreden says...
This folio is full of fun and light hearted enjoyment of life. The use of the spot lamp is innovative in this site. Renke looks so happy, that it cannot but make me happy. Thank you.
6:53AM Apr 25th 2004
bowler says...
mmmmmm pic 85 ...........if only.......................very inviting
6:52AM Apr 25th 2004
gromitboy says...
I'd like to doze off with such natural beauty. Thank you Renke.
6:47AM Apr 25th 2004
takisnikou says...
5:48AM Apr 25th 2004
takisnikou says...
come to greece............
5:46AM Apr 25th 2004
job2du says...
I can't imagine any "typically beautiful" features that could possibly improve on the features you have! Thanks for the energy and imagination you have put into your shots.
5:18AM Apr 25th 2004
mascer says...
Whow, beautifully...
4:44AM Apr 25th 2004