says... Siete una signora molto graziosa. grazie 6:31PM Mar 4th 2006
says... sumptuous flower-power baby! you are gorgeous. I like the simple background. No need for anything more than flowers and you in bloom. 78 is beautiful. 6:53AM Jun 18th 2005
says... You look a lot like Miss Higgins with long hair, in face that is because I have no idea what she looks like with her kit off, more's the pitty. great folio too. 11:54AM Jun 6th 2005
says... Hi darling, just wanted to tell you I think you are withoput a doubt the prettiest woman on these pages. There is something about your wonderful face and body that drives me nuts. I love your whole shoot. It was the best. You're perfect don't ever forget that. 8:42PM Jun 2nd 2005
says... Thanks for all the compliments! I'm so glad you like my folio and hope to be doing more and better in the future.
XXXX Anaïs 10:44AM Jun 1st 2005
says... Have to to say from AW to ISM you are sensational. Cannot get enough of you .............. mwaa. 9:01PM May 31st 2005
says... #S 058 059 ARE AWESUM :Q 6:10AM May 31st 2005
says... You're beautiful, and captivating. 7:04PM May 30th 2005
says... Wow! A real eye-opener and jolt (lift) to the spirit. Be assured that your assets are impressive and far beyond desirable. This is very very lovely and very very hot stuff! Hungry for more of you. 12:47AM May 30th 2005
says... Nice..Never have I wanted to be a flower, until now.
Thank you.
You are a very beautiful woman. 12:16AM May 30th 2005
says... Thank you , these made me smile. The placing of the blooms was very neat. 3:48PM May 29th 2005
says... Hey Anaïs,
You SHOULD know who this is... anywho... I would just like to say that your whole folio is a pleasure to view... and that you are incredibly beautiful... anywho... I guess that's all I have to say for now... talk to you later...
Simkin 11:04AM May 29th 2005
says... I counted the beauty marks, there were 27 in one shot. The one on your nipple matches your hair. Very sexy 10:42AM May 29th 2005
says... Wonderful folio! Beautiful expression and skin, love the beauty marks. Very natural and fun! I dont think anyone will need an interpreter to understand this ) 10:37AM May 29th 2005
says... Beautiful, you have the face,smile and body of an angel.
Your eyes are the window to your soul, the innocence,wonder,tenderness,and youthful lust flow through your pictures, numbers 107,109,111 capture your aura. Im breathtaken by your beauty, please if you read these comments contact me please I would be honored.
email venn@ans.com.au 10:36AM May 29th 2005
says... So sweet and beautiful! I absolutely love all of those gorgeous, sexy moles, perfect girl to bring home to maw... 7:25AM May 29th 2005
says... You know what I love about "beauty marks"? It gives me so many targets to kiss. Nothing like loving a woman and and making sure I pay attention to every one of those spots. And what a sexy girl this is. 7:00AM May 29th 2005
says... You're a lovely young woman. I hope your doctor is monitoring those "flaws." 6:41AM May 29th 2005
says... I'm reminded, I really need to get to my garden..... mmmm 5:17AM May 29th 2005
says... Very artistic presentation and obviously you enjoyed doing it. I like the whole folio and some of your shots could almost have made it into the professional category, if you had placed yourself on the "golden line" instead of the flowers. That's not a criticism - it must be damnably difficult to get the shot you want with your feet doing the work. 2:47AM May 29th 2005