says... aBsoLuteLy......) 9:43AM May 21st 2006
says... a∫søltely......) 9:42AM May 21st 2006
says... What a lovely woman and awesome costuming (fabric and non). Suuuper sexy. 1:38AM Apr 26th 2006
says... Yum. 11:50PM Aug 4th 2004
says... with respect to 009 i was actually on my way to the warhouse and found these guys who were waiting to be extras in a movie, so i popped over and me and got me some play time with the boys. they were charming. 6:43PM May 20th 2004
says... oh wow i am totally embarressed about shot 114. aplologies! my beauty therapist was totally harsh and i had a bad reaction - painful. sorry guys! 6:41PM May 20th 2004
says... hah. i only just got my password! i will read your comments and respond a little better!!! thanks everyone for the comments. xox 6:31PM May 20th 2004
says... very well chosen ink! I love your pics cause they seem to express very well what kind of person you are. bellissimo 10:56PM May 9th 2004
says... Liked a lot of these 073, 096, 105, 119, 123, 125, 127, 142, 167... maybe would have liked to see more of the warehouse surroundings, with you in situ, because it looked so interesting. Some of the close ups were perhaps a little too "detailed' for me. But a great shoot nevertheless. Like the fishnets. 6:50PM Apr 28th 2004
says... 009 is very didn't say you where a fan of the village People.....altogether now Y.M.C.A.... seriously though...fantastic set...... 1:37PM Apr 23rd 2004
says... brilliant 8:45AM Apr 22nd 2004
says... Yes, but... there is something very errotic about a large colorful tatoo and a beautiful pair of breasts. I agree, you are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing and come back again. 10:03PM Apr 21st 2004
says... Just one thing to say .. maybe two. The tattoos and stuff are great for an art shoot but ... for everyday, be proud of what you've got and don't deface it.
Good thing no ones got my e-mail or I'd be toast after saying that.
Good use of lighting and props, loved the netting. 4:56PM Apr 21st 2004
says... wow you are really beatifull 3:21PM Apr 21st 2004
says... Very artistic eye. Each of your photos was a work of art! Nice body too :) 3:07PM Apr 21st 2004
says... Pic 125 is my fave, haven't seen something that good in a while. Thank you for sharing 2:31AM Apr 21st 2004