smrapp says...
So cute.....why just one and done? Sure wish you'd come back!
6:13PM Aug 25th 2014
yiddoo says...
what a gorgeous little bundle of fun.. would love to meet you i bet you are a right laugh.. and very attractive too
1:38PM Feb 6th 2007
PadMan05 says...
mmm... i LOVE your photos... Hope to see more of you )
3:17AM Aug 22nd 2005
redwine says...
It seems you have fun all the way, like I do. We are sibblings in mind. #15 = ROFLMAO (rolling on the floor laughing my ass off). Hope we'll see more of you in the near future. Thanks for sharing your expressions with us. Greetings Redwine
2:35AM Apr 29th 2004
evelyn says...
Fabulous fun beautiful girl... your personality shines.
1:56PM Apr 27th 2004
rogdav02 says...
Sorry, repeat. I just read about the 'framing' problem. I think some one wants to see the 'pink bits.'
5:35PM Apr 26th 2004
rogdav02 says...
I don't think I've seen any other folio where the subject (Samantha) enjoyed themselves so much. I wish I had your energy.
5:32PM Apr 26th 2004
deechus says...
So full of energy, so full of delight. A superb shoot Samantha!
9:33AM Apr 26th 2004
spykke says...
Framing? Not an issue nor relevant for ism shoots. She's just plain gorgeous.
9:23AM Apr 26th 2004
Weltevreden says...
I don't think there are any framing problems. This folio is just so modern day British ... and that is a delightful change. Thanks for the laughs, Samantha Frisky.
4:17AM Apr 26th 2004
wespar says...
Some framing problems, but my God, what a beautiful lady! I'd like to see a reshoot with more of you in the frame, and maybe a little less mugging for the camera.
3:10AM Apr 26th 2004