coolman5 says...
114 is beautiful! I really wish more women would do shots like these. What I find even hotter is when there's more hair and you can see it easily against the light background.
6:50AM Nov 8th 2007
nostromo says...
fantastic pics. thank you!
3:18PM Oct 28th 2007
hexrays says...
6:25PM Jul 12th 2006
specialzed says...
i live in seattle, can i come this weekend to get married to me. Please:)
10:50AM Jan 30th 2006
xcaffeine says...
This folio kind of snook up on me ... first glance at the thumbnails didn't really grab me but then I got pulled in by the look in 003, the piercing in 042, the pose in 055, the warmth of 073, and the perfection of 114 ... hate that retro settee though :-)
1:54AM Nov 23rd 2005
lovemusic says...
Your lips are just magnificent!
9:59AM Jul 25th 2005
No1Steelerfan says...
I agree with all the rest but the shot that made it for me was number 92. Many try to hide life's little incidents. I am so glad that you are comfortable enough to reveal your scar. I find it to be very stimulating. Not the scar itself, but the ease at which you display it. I hope it wasn't too painful for you when it happened and congratulate you for your courage to show that even imprfections can be wonderously sexy.
4:58PM Jun 15th 2005
Yowzah99 says...
Let's see... ..what's not to like?? Personally, I'd like to see a shot of your feet and a nice rear view of the 'goodies'!
9:58AM May 25th 2005
Katrien says...
John says.........Very beautiful girl and superb shots.......thanks Martini, gif us more from this nice pictures!!!!!!!!
12:39AM May 5th 2005
gjs93105 says...
So when are we getting married?
12:01AM May 5th 2005
stryker444 says...
you are just too damn sexy
11:34PM May 4th 2005
stryker444 says... are a beautiful rose. great shoot. Can I have a bite??
11:31PM May 4th 2005
rob_ort says...
You're obviously pretty, with an extremely alluring exciting body. Good job with the close-ups. They nicely capture the delicious flavor of your long slender curves and features. 114 (amungst others) is completely remarkable.
12:50PM May 4th 2005
wantingscott says...
i don't know your parents, but yes i think they'd approve, imho... "I got a blanket in the back seat of my mind ..."
11:24AM May 4th 2005
beefish says...
I'm not personally a great fan of the lacy lingerie, but the contents are fabulous!
9:57AM May 4th 2005
cfd339 says...
very hard to believe nobody else would shoot you. You could model for me anytime. Of course, I'm not a professional photographer-- but with a subject like you, art could be made.
8:58AM May 4th 2005
SCSIgirl says...
Incredibly beautiful girl with an artist's perfect body. Definately a figure model. I think photogs would be flying you in from the world over.
8:36AM May 4th 2005
link007 says...
Hot folio of a sexy lady, lovely face, luscious lips, beautiful smile, amazing body, love the teasing panty shots, thanks for sharing, please reload!
7:02AM May 4th 2005
MrPicMe says...
To describe your sweet buns in a word... !!!SUBLIME!!! Excelent use of light and shadows!! FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK, FIRE!
6:49AM May 4th 2005
BROWNIKM says...
Gorgeous, very sexy and sensual. Great body and pictures, and your playful personality shines through in the folio.
6:15AM May 4th 2005
silkbox says...
lovely warm smile and a superb body --- i love the whispy hairs poking out ib 25 26 but 42 is just in a differnt class --- thankyou -- please share again soon
6:01AM May 4th 2005
archeron says...
What a terrific made my day. Thanks!
5:35AM May 4th 2005
shadydem says...
Very beautiful girl. Love a petite body like yours attached to a very cute smile. and your thanks for submitting this...
5:00AM May 4th 2005
snoopy says...
114 is so awesome I can die
3:35AM May 4th 2005
LeoBloom says...
I particularly liked some of the discreeter shots, like the Triumphal Arch in 114 and your pussy peeping through the triangle of your leg in 079. But it was 067 that stopped my heart - there's something about loose-fitting panties, something about the gradually thickening hair disappearing underneath them, and, well, something about you.
2:34AM May 4th 2005
mdiver says...
would you let me fly you to NYC to model for me? Your folio is fantastic!
2:31AM May 4th 2005
clayguy says...
picture 084 reminds me of a picnic I went on one time under a shade tree beside a flowing river. MMMMM
12:39AM May 4th 2005
jhorvat says...
very nice, everything about you is beautiful
12:07AM May 4th 2005
brodypaling says...
You have such a pretty smile babe!
12:01AM May 4th 2005