TheeCat says...
I like the way you lead the eye from #33 to #60... from a soft kiss, down to your perky breasts and then further down, to those cute purple-and-yellow knickers and the promise of further delight. Very sexy and sensual.
9:30AM Aug 8th 2004
BillyBear says...
agree with Josephine. Them knickers is cute! #16 is a very, very sexy pic. Why is it some of the hottest girls here get the fewest comments?? You caused a meltdown for me! -)
7:16AM Aug 6th 2004
TodWaits says...
Enveloping eyes, amazing body, and several Radiohead CDs in yer collection... will you marry me? Luv yer pix, too many faves to mention (19,33,39,48,78,104,119,128, 143)... so beautiful! luv the hair on yer forearms, and yer p. diddy's are to die for... thanx! Please reload!
8:44PM Aug 3rd 2004
josephine says...
Jamee- You and your purple & yellow knickers are just too cute! Not only are you adorable, but also a girl with a good taste of music...'The Bee's: Sunshine Hit Me'... what a great album. -josephine
6:09PM Aug 3rd 2004