paintjam says...
oooh those lucky shadows. ) jamie
3:12AM May 4th 2006
todwaits says...
Ladies & gentlemen of the jury, this folio is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns, this nubile wood-nymph... 16, 33-37 are captivating 97 is a haze of heaven... thanx!
9:28PM Mar 22nd 2005
Gimme_Danger says...
..and BTW Bubby...I do consider you to be beautiful
3:19AM Mar 20th 2005
Gimme_Danger says...
Bubby, you turned out another top folio. I love the shots with the ferns esp #43...and that new haircut looks great on you
3:16AM Mar 20th 2005
silkbox says...
it would be very easy to turn in a cliched "nude in the landscape" set but this is far from that --- you use a photographers two most important tools --- light and imaginatin ---- to very good effect -- 12 and 35 are my particular favourites --- thankyou for sharing and i hope you will continue to contribute
5:15AM Mar 19th 2005
brillig says...
You look lovely! The green theme looks wonderful with your skin and hair. I particularly liked 33, 85 & 92.
9:18PM Mar 18th 2005
rcrahp says...
Great eyes and very imaginative photography. Congratulations on looking forward in your life. All the best.
4:13PM Mar 18th 2005
bdaj71a says...
Beautiful photographs, beautiful person...
2:00PM Mar 18th 2005
Prazak says...
38 is one of the most striking images on ISM. The fern shadows and the dark green foliage backgrounds, as 43, are really fine. Special mention: The deep blue eyes and tawny hair. The tree-hugging images make one a bit uneasy - watch out for slivers! Bravo.
1:46PM Mar 18th 2005
Happyj says...
You are beautiful, brave and truly inspiring, the best of luck to you in life.
12:37PM Mar 18th 2005