tbird says...
Now we know the true meaning of honey pie and pear pie. I am absolutely amazed at the limberness of your body. You are fabulously beautiful. Please let us see more.
4:47PM Feb 16th 2006
aviatricus says...
this is the greatest folio in all the beauty here... wonderful..in oculi animus habitat..
12:42PM Aug 14th 2005
bill21 says...
Your written statement says alot about your shoot and your personality. And I would have to agree I got a lot of enjoyment looking at your shoot.
11:42PM Aug 13th 2005
thecatman says...
046 is hot!
2:34PM Aug 13th 2005
dave1966 says...
Oh to be a fresh pair!!! You are hot. Thanks.
9:50AM Aug 13th 2005
LeO1974 says...
Great to see an amerian woman who is not all shaved yet. 98,120 and 124 are my favorites.
7:38AM Aug 13th 2005
Candide says...
You like the Dresden Dolls too, huh. I saw them live last winter and that was very cool. Nice pictures. They're somehow... different from the others. No, I mean REALLY different. DIFFERENT different.
7:16AM Aug 13th 2005
Rangers77 says...
Sorry, I'm not nearly as poetic as Eroseyes (above). Would Love To See More!!!
5:33AM Aug 13th 2005
eroseyes says...
This is a wonderful story. So completely personal. Delicious, soft and warm. Travel twisting and turning together touching on wonderful landmarks and textures until coming to rest. Such unique feeling. One wishes to journey again other places together, deep inside, close-up and personal, sometime soon. Thank You.
1:21AM Aug 13th 2005