johopkin says...
you're a the piercings...
7:08PM Oct 19th 2010
skinjob says...
you are a very beautiful ,attractive woman even without all the tats and piercings
12:43AM May 20th 2005
amber_s says...
1:09AM Jul 26th 2004
head says...
This is a genuine submission. The link was to her own site but has apparently been taken over since she wrote her bio. Link deleted.
5:37PM Jul 24th 2004
saturnman says...
Perkie is right. The website given forwards automatically to a commercial pay site. Come on, ISM, don't let this happen on this site. ISM is special and individual and please keep it that way. Please screen your submissions better...and replace this "amber_s" one with a real one. Thanks.
10:28AM Jul 24th 2004
perkie says...
Links to a paysite??.... new form of spamming?
5:21PM Jul 23rd 2004
alexis says...
i agree completely with spykke. you're beautiful! i love the wig in 102, you had me thinking that i'd jumped to a completely different folio. #57 & #85 were my picks. please be sure to do a reload!
4:28PM Jul 23rd 2004
spykke says...
Piercings, a tattoo and beauty... who could ask for more?
8:44AM Jul 23rd 2004
19sharkey69 says...
Uuuuhh, you are HIGH CLASS! Your piercings are awfully delicious!!!
8:14AM Jul 23rd 2004
MoodyTurtle says...
Hot or not? I think hot.
8:13AM Jul 23rd 2004