Prescription says...
Very sexy. Very pretty. I love your pubic hair.
8:21PM Jul 5th 2021
remoman says...
you have sexy clavicles. x
9:40AM Jun 24th 2010
paintjam says...
what a sexy shoot. i am jealous of the wind that got to be there with you.
4:52AM May 9th 2006
justame says...
God, what a woman! :)
12:02AM Mar 15th 2006
Torture_Garden says...
Any hope of more sets Elize?
8:24PM Mar 31st 2005
Torture_Garden says...
Very nice :) I had a similar first piercing experience pretty much the same deal as yourself except, stupidly, I did it with a pair of pliers and a piercing stud NOT RECOMMENDED Subsequently, due to grow-out and infection issues, I have had it repierced twice. Not as extravagant as yourself, Elize but I have my tongue (done by the Piercing Urge in Melb.), both nipples, done several years apart by a guy in Byron Bay (when I used to go there annually), nose was done by the same guy in Byron and just a couple in my leaft ear. I think that my tragus need to be done next. Elize, I really like the fact that your labret is offset, it looks so much better than the usual centred ones you see :)
8:01PM Dec 16th 2004
elize says...
You are correct, I do have the itch. When I was 14 my parents said i wasn't allowed to get my belly pierced... So I did it myself with a sewing needle and an earring, there was nothing wrong with it but it grew out quite quickly. My father paid to get it pierced properly for my 15th birthday. I've actually had my eyebrow pierced three times because I've had to replace one, I've had my nipple done twice, I have six piercings in each ear, as well as a tounge ring and my Labret which I got done during my holiday in Austria.
6:22PM Dec 15th 2004
Torture_Garden says...
Liandra, In a way, yes my name was stolen from the S & M club in London. To cut a long story short, a guy named Richard Masters (who started the Hellfire Club) here in Melbourne, had a one-off nite way back in '94 or '95 called Torture Garden (which I'm sure was taken from the London club of the same name). I was so taken by it that I 'adopted' the name and have been using it ever since :)
6:41AM Dec 11th 2004
liandra_dahl says...
Oh before I go and forget, what a great folio. Eliza you're fucking gorgeous. Your skin is so pinky white and looksso soft and simply edible. The 'naturalness' of you fits perfectly in the surroundings.
7:49PM Dec 10th 2004
liandra_dahl says...
By the way Torture Garden are you named after the S and M club in London?
7:44PM Dec 10th 2004
liandra_dahl says...
Yep that's how it works alright, before you know it you'll be performing in the circuss as the peirced and painted lady side show with python and all!
7:42PM Dec 10th 2004
Torture_Garden says...
Piercings like that though, isn't it you get a few and you're content, then comes the itch for more and inevitably, that itch needs to be scratched. The next thing you know, you're setting off metal detectors. I hear that getting inked is just as addictive...
9:18PM Dec 9th 2004
elize says...
Well, I was beginning to think that maybe it was time to get a new piercing, I have always wanted a tattoo as well, but I'm just not quite sure what it will be yet.
6:31PM Dec 9th 2004
Torture_Garden says...
So wonderful to see another set, Elize! You have some really nice compositions here, esp. 40, 50,55 & 96 I LOVE 140, you have the most mesmerising & strikingly beautiful eyes, EVER (it's a pity the images aren't of a higher resolution). I am completely taken and you are by far my favourite contributor to the "apparatus". Thank you so much! Just a sidenote and out of curiosity got any plans for more piercings? They look great.
9:55PM Dec 6th 2004
markwrx2 says...
beautiful woman, with strikingly blue eyes. Thank you!
4:32AM Dec 6th 2004