treadle01 says...
I love 069 and 072, and 094 is just exquisite.
4:27AM Mar 17th 2005
treadle01 says...
Lovely face & magnificent curves - thank you for sharing them with us. A Scottish beauty - please can we see more?
4:20AM Mar 17th 2005
MWCrazyNaked says...
That stubble (094) looks like trouble.
7:37PM Jan 3rd 2005
poetwriter says...
As Carl Sagan might say, "You folio is cosmic!"
3:15PM Jan 3rd 2005
Belgareth says...
There's nothing common about this folio. The attempt at anything common has created a facinating set of images. You have not, nor ever should have, any reason to regret this. I love it.
2:25PM Jan 3rd 2005