yumyum says...
i love everything about your natural body....the pits unshaved would be exquisite!!!
5:43PM Dec 7th 2004
Slut_Driver says...
hey folks, thanks for all the comments much appreciated. i truly enjoyed the shoot but could have used more time. as for my hariy body, i love the sixities and seventies when women proudly charged a set with full on bush. i do like bush and everything inbetween. I have managed to shave the pits. I'm working on it. take care and enjoy.
8:14PM Dec 5th 2004
MadAddict says...
Beautiful is beautiful reguardless of where your from, personally this is a great folio my favorite is 011, wow how sexy is that! On another personal note, it may be just because im not used to it but i am not attracted to to much body hair on a woman, i feel the smoother and softer the better ie: under arm, leg hair, etc. vaginas are normally hairy, but the smooth clean ones are super sexy! P.S. I am an american who loves all women!
2:01PM Dec 2nd 2004
markniss says...
It occurs to me that many posters to this site are Americans placing their American ideas of beauty on thse women, of which most are NOT American. As an American that has spent half of his life oversees, I want to point out that, American beauty values are NOT shared by the remainder of the world. -- In regards to Slut_Driver's hair, I love it. In fact, I would love to see what your crotch looks like without the bit of shaving you have done. -- This doesn't mean that I have a hair fetish. I like woman however they want to present themselves. Its just that 'with' hair has become more rare than "without' - online anyhow. -- Great set! Fun, intimate, thoughtful.
1:13PM Dec 2nd 2004
voyeur2 says...
Art does not demand we see a pair of gaping lips in every folio. I particularly liked the image 048. At first thought it was a great tattoo, but chain is cool too.
10:06AM Dec 2nd 2004
liz says...
I'm intrigued by the single wig-less shot. Why did you decide to do just one, and at that moment? It caught me off guard, and that was cool. I think #5 is my favorite pic, it's nicely framed, very smooth and pretty.
10:05AM Dec 2nd 2004
PenGuiN1 says...
How can that gnome sleep with all that going on!!Lurv the beautiful HAIR!!
12:08AM Dec 2nd 2004