paintjam says...
simply marvlous....)
9:19AM May 21st 2006
u057905 says...
Lovely and intriguing...a wonderfully smooth finish.
9:12AM Mar 15th 2006
tmirus says...
Lovely. Thanks
4:57PM Nov 10th 2005
scarr28 says...
Wow! #108 is beautiful.... Put the pubic hair back on that and I'll go to the alter with you...! )
11:26AM Feb 26th 2005
silkbox says...
shazam kapow wow --- every shot better than the last
6:55AM Oct 28th 2004
caveboy says...
I really liked #108 !!!!! Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go wash my hands.
10:23PM May 4th 2004
slimbig says...
Thank you for watering the flowers.
8:01PM May 3rd 2004
dlababy says...
Image 58 is nice. You must be a Virgo too.
7:27PM Apr 27th 2004
rock751 says...
Love bloom_034. Nice folio, please come back again.
5:35PM Apr 27th 2004
adrianspirit says...
They say the flowers compliment you... I say you compliment those flowers. Stunning Bod - I'd rather look at you than a flower any day.
4:56PM Apr 27th 2004
evelyn says...
ooh, the flowers are a beautiful compliment to you. The lines of nature... your body flowing with the leaves and petals.
1:53PM Apr 27th 2004
Jac61834 says...
I'm a big fan of your use of flowers in the shoot and how they complement and frame your body so nicely. Kudos also for making several shots of your nether bits that don't look at all vulgar, in fact, 54, 26, and 62 are quite sweet, indeed.
7:49AM Apr 27th 2004