says... Didnt they still have bush in Playboy magazines in the 70s? I know they dont now which is a shame. 3:18PM Aug 29th 2019
says... So nice. So Beautiful. 1:45AM Oct 16th 2018
says... Chere Ruvada, dans les annees '70, il existait galement un merveilleux magasine, en France: "LUI" ! Vous me rappelez les photos divines des modeles de l'epoque. Dieu, comme elles etaient belles!! Vous etes l'incarnation de cette delicieuse feminite !! 3:37PM Aug 7th 2018
says... what a great idea to refer to Playboy '7O, Ruvada !! what creativity! And the attention to detail. Now your body is natural! Like the majority of women of the 70s. You are even more desirable and sexy ... Thank you for this wonderful gift 1:08PM Aug 7th 2018
says... P.S..... If Im the only one commenting here, there must be some global EMP thats scrambled everyones senses. take heart! 2:57PM Aug 6th 2018
says... Ah ! Ruvada ! such a lovely presentation! I find the lighting so consistent and professional and I find your use of the images fun and intriguing. I Always love your hair but never as much as what I can only imagine is going on behind your smile. Thank You !! 2:53PM Aug 6th 2018