speedracer19 says...
Why haven't we seen more of you?
11:09PM Jul 17th 2009
millaa says...
just gorgeous, please more.
10:39AM Oct 5th 2007
elantoh says...
Anuwhen Haseo, Think about it...in all of Korea, you are the only woman to have the courage to take such wonderful shots of yourself and share them with the world. You are lovely beyond words, your mouth, your beautiful little breast and big nipples...thank you very much little warrior.
8:06PM Apr 27th 2007
Felix56 says...
just really very "neat" photos.... very well done and really you made them look sexy as you really are!!!.... just soooo "Supa!!!" Artigiano...... A x
11:04PM Dec 26th 2006
littlenemo says...
Since it's been more than a year and a half since she posted, it seems unlikely she will post again, but she certainly is lovely. Her contribution to beautifulagony.com is mind-blowing. It looks like she did it on the same day and same place as this shoot.
4:42AM Mar 14th 2006
nc7niterider says...
Your body is definitely a work of art. You have perfectly beautiful breasts and a stunning face with a wonderful smile. Please do some more shoots.
9:46PM Mar 4th 2006
astroguy says...
sah lang heh
1:23AM Jan 8th 2006
xcaffeine says...
'Women with bigger boobs are best for pornography and women with smaller ones are best for fine art'? A tad simplistic don't'cha think?
12:14AM Oct 27th 2005
SCSIgirl says...
So supurb. You are a perfect figure model. Big tits only get in the way of art photography. Can I fly you to California for a photo shoot??
11:16AM Jan 4th 2005
aquilarex says...
Next to Katy youre the best here - I love your berast, your nipples and I wish youll give us more, wont you?
10:35AM Dec 18th 2004
paintman says...
You are right you have the perfect size breasts. You also have the most wonderful (pencil eraser) nipples. I would love to have seen a picture of your backside, why did you not include any?
9:47PM Jul 8th 2004
papcopete says...
If you are not a professional photographer you should seriously consider it, your compositions are spectacular...(It doesn't hurt that you have an exquisite model to work with!)
5:45PM Jul 8th 2004
jwilcox says...
You really do have a beautiful body!!!
1:54PM Jul 8th 2004
russell says...
There's a single word for this set, exquisite! You're a truly beautiful woman, and if I say so myself, Perfect boobs!!
3:08AM Jul 8th 2004
artigiano says...
Salut! Pour ton comment, merci beaucoup =)
2:19AM Jul 8th 2004
taxitaxi says...
tout particulièrement la disparition du grain de beauté en 061... le pli... et le toucher du sein juste après.
2:08AM Jul 8th 2004