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#1 February 4th, 2015 08:12 PM



Viva, again, failure to post is my comment for today's folio by Silke.  So, I will post here.  Have you any idea why this is a problem with some posts but not others?  In the event that the problem when it occurs cannot always be fixed, can you at least let the contributors know that the comments are here instead of with the folio page?  Thank you.

Silke, thank you so very much for your exuberant, frolicsome, whimsical, flamboyant, energetic, colourful folio.  It’s a visual delight----a naughty and nice tour de force.  You are so likeable—and, yes, very very sexy.  I agree with you that it is a blessing, not a wrong, to maintain one’s true, sexual self while also being a loving and fully successful parent.  I also know how children place one squarely into living in the here and now and at most times being unable to do anything purely for oneself.  Your son, I’m sure, is a very very lucky little boy.  As for your folio having been a project solely for yourself––well that may be so, but quite surely you have pleased a great many people with it.  You in your grand studio with your paintings, and assorted objects: what joy.  Ah, and I cannot let pass that you have a lovely and most beautiful body, mmmm.  I love all that tenderness and softness.



#2 February 5th, 2015 09:16 AM


Re: Silke

Hey Trevor,
I am so sorry you are struggling to post comments. I'm not sure why, but it appears that sometimes they are being held for review. So when it doesn't post, don't panic - it just holds it (sometimes it's something silly like, we review comments with the word "lips" to avoid people being crass to contributors). And then Richard gets to it, checks it, and voila! it appears!


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