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#1 January 17th, 2015 10:15 AM



Periodically, as with today, the comment section to the folio doesn't appear to work.  Sometimes the posted comment later appears; sometimes not.
One of my last comments later appeared in triplicate.  In the event that my today's comment on Amanda's folio doesn't appear, I'm taking the liberty of posting in this forum.  Viva, please do let me know if you have a preferred procedure.

"Amanda, you are to be loved and admired for unabashedly celebrating your beautiful vagina. I'm reminded of prehistoric and ancient fertility icons depicting the nude female figure with exaggerated breasts and vaginas. Of course yours are not "exaggerated" but you have so exquisitly photographed your vagina and most lovely breasts that one can readily think of you as a symbol of pleasure, joy...and (why not?) fertility.  Nonsense, you say?  Well please do allow me the pleasure of thinking of you thusly.  And do kindly consider posting in the forum, should you have more to say about your folio and your thoughts and ideas in the choices you made."  Trevor

Last edited by trevor (January 17th, 2015 10:16 AM)


#2 January 19th, 2015 02:34 PM


Re: Amanda_R

Hey Trevor,
I think this might have to do with the speed or functionality of your home internet. Do you click more than once to post a comment when it seems like it hasn't posted?

In general, we love to see comments on folios. If there's triples, we'll usually try and get in there to delete the extras!


#3 January 20th, 2015 07:45 PM


Re: Amanda_R

Dear Viva,

In fact, for Natalia, I did click several times and nothing appeared--until the next day when my comment appeared three times.  For Amanda, I tried a few times and nothing ever appeared, hence my posting the comment in the Forum.  While, Amanda's comment section never worked, other folios did at the same time.  So it wouldn't seem to be a problem with my home internet function or my computer.  Strange, yes?




#4 January 21st, 2015 12:33 AM


Re: Amanda_R

Viva, after successfully posting to today's folio, I tried posting again to Amanda's.  Still, no luck.


#5 January 21st, 2015 04:56 AM


Re: Amanda_R

trevor wrote:

Viva, after successfully posting to today's folio, I tried posting again to Amanda's.  Still, no luck.

I went to her folio and can confirm that nothing was showing up, and there was no indication that anybody had posted...
I typed a quick message to see what would happen, and it appeared to post OK...
I scrolled down expecting the comments to be empty, but there was my message, and a single message from you dated Jan 16th...
I am at a lossasto explain why your message was not displayed until I had posted a message...
Very weird...

Why don't you post another asa curiosity, and if you do, say something in the forums so I know to check...

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#6 January 21st, 2015 05:53 PM


Re: Amanda_R

Thank you, Ashmedi.  At your suggestion, I just posted another comment on Amanda's folio and this time it did post immediately.  I'll leave it to the technical wizards at Feck to figure out what the problem was.  The contributors make a considerable effort and I'm sorry if they should feel un- or under-appreciated when they think no subscribers have thought enough to say thank you.  This is why I was persistent.  That being said, I am certain that the staff at Feck are very sensitive and thoughtful when it comes to the contributors.  One suspects too that the organisation of Feck is also very colleagial and the staff supportive of one another.  If I lived in Australia, I'd apply for a job.  As it is, my life in Euorpe is rather too sweet to relocate.


#7 January 22nd, 2015 12:23 AM


Re: Amanda_R

Trevor... I can see your latest comment, still don't know why it behaved as itdid...

A long time ago, I used to think like you and posted frequently to almost all folios posted... But I must admit, I became somewhat indifferent about it because...

I never saw any feedback from the contributor...
There was no mechanism to let me know if a reply had been made...
I did not have the time to continually check hundreds of folios daily to see if and when a reply had been made...
Almost none of the folios ever received comments from other subscribers...
and I almost felt like my constant comments almost made me look like a stalker...

Ella, just recently, was the first to actually reply and mention everybody in her thank you...
Have never noticed that from anybody else on folios I have liked and commented on...

It would be better if there was some sort of flag or notification that would alert you to an answer... Just my $0.02 smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#8 January 22nd, 2015 03:17 AM


Re: Amanda_R

Ashmedi, of course you are absolutely right.  Often one does wonder if one's comments are read by the recipient and, if so, whether they appreciate the comment, are indifferent or (in minor paranoid moments) misunderstand one's meaning and are offended.  Of course, the lack of response from the contributors either in the folio comments section or in this forum may differ considerably among the array of contributors.  In any event, I speculate that if the contributors replied to the comments, they would get more comments.  You are a case in point.

I was hoping to help light a little interest in the forum by making comments and responding to other members, as well as the nice staff; but, so far interest does continue to be rather weak.  I've no experience in this but if Feck were really interested in boosting the activity in the forum, perhaps they might consider initiating discussion on issues of interest to them, to the contributors and to the members.

On the other side, Feck might truly only be interested in the pictorial side, as this will likely always be what drives the business.  The question is would an active forum help keep members continually active, as opposed to dropping in and out with their memberships; something I was doing for awhile--that is joining for a month or two then dropping for three or more months before resubscribing for a month.  Perhaps Feck could even publish essays or articles from time to time that would invite comment.  Again, as I have no understanding of the business, I have no idea if these thoughts make any sense or would make any cents.  Meanwhile, I'll likely continue to comment based upon Viva's comment that the contributors in fact do appreciate the remarks even if they don't often acknowlege them.

Last edited by trevor (January 22nd, 2015 03:22 AM)


#9 January 22nd, 2015 05:49 AM


Re: Amanda_R

trevor wrote:

I was hoping to help light a little interest in the forum by making comments and responding to other members, as well as the nice staff; but, so far interest does continue to be rather weak.  I've no experience in this but if Feck were really interested in boosting the activity in the forum, perhaps they might consider initiating discussion on issues of interest to them, to the contributors and to the members.

Trevor... For some reason, subscribers to this are very shy posting, Lots of readers, very few replies...

But everything you have mentioned that you would like can be found on the other 2 Feck sites...
ifeelmyself.com  has a very active forum  and beautifulagony.com is not as active as IFM but more active than ISM...
But IFM really would be a forum style you would like...
And No, I am not on the payroll  wink
But I have been a continuous member on all 3 for a very long time,  each site offers me something I like, and crave  smile

You can keep trying to interest people here, but it seems to be a hard sell...
and btw,  if you've never been to IFM,  you will see a lot of familiar names...  smile

Last edited by ashmedi (January 22nd, 2015 05:50 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#10 January 22nd, 2015 09:15 AM


Re: Amanda_R

Hey guys, this is a great conversation. And to be honest, it's one that Devochka and I turn to each other to have on a nearly daily basis. There are plans on the burner to give ISM a makeover, but when you're such a small company, dramatic code overhauls are actually a really big endeavor. We really want new functionality like alerts for forum and comments, name tagging, a clever keyword search, and many other things. We have so many ideas, and if we could wave a magic wand and make it all happen, you know we would. But these things take time and careful planning.

Again, we are a small team and we work really hard to bring the vision and the 3 websites of Feck to life, updating daily for so many years! We do our best for the forums, but we do more writing and sharing articles over at IFM, where there's always been a bit more interaction.

The sites and forums have been more and less active over time, it comes in waves. There was a time when 10 comments on a folio was very few! My primary received something like 30 comments, and I was incredibly thrilled. I miss that sort of response... being responded to is a big part of why I do erotic work. It's a bit sad for us when that response dwindles, because the quality and energy of these folios has never been better! There's just less people around to see it. So that's why I am so excited about you, Trevor, and your appreciative nature - you really are a good sort. I hope the next wave of activity brings lots more great members - I wish we had 50 of you and 50 more Ashmedi's and then we could have a great time around here! I know our contributors would be grateful as well.


#11 January 22nd, 2015 07:41 PM


Re: Amanda_R

Dear Viva--and I really do love you and Devochka too.  Please keep your spirits and good work up.  With regard to the forums, what if you were to merge them into one?  The cross fertilisation might cause more members to join more than just one site, like Ashmedi has.  For appreciating the human form, I myself love still photography more than film.  Still photography allows one to linger on an image, whereas one has to follow the pace of the cameraman and film editor when viewing a film.  It's hard to freeze an image in a video and usually not nearly as beautiful as a well made single shot or, better yet, a series of shots.  But perhaps one of these days when I have more time, I'll take a closer look at the other two sites and considering joining one of them for a month.

I know how difficult making changes to one's operations is. Modernising or improving a firehouse is hard when one is busy putting out fires.

For another topic and another time, I also have some thoughts on idealised beauty, perfection and imperfection, that I hinted at in commenting upon Ophilia's folio today (oh, and thanks to Ophilia for replying to the first person to comment today).



#12 January 23rd, 2015 08:47 AM


Re: Amanda_R

trevor wrote:

Modernising or improving a firehouse is hard when one is busy putting out fires.

Amen brother!

I hear you on video vs stills. Stills seem to give one more freedom to choose and linger. If you do end up checking out IFM or BA, the nice thing about them is that there is no cameraman 99% of the time. So especially shoots which are done with a single cam (all of BA, and most of the IFM video diaries for example) really give me that feel of being alone with an image. Just, the image moves... but no cuts, and no angle changes. It can be so beautiful to see a woman in motion in this way.

The merging of the forums is another idea we're really gunning for. Stay tuned, we're working towards it!


#13 January 23rd, 2015 09:16 AM


Re: Amanda_R

Hey Viva smile
I can understand the complexities of any major change, and I can certainly understand trying to incorporate more than 5,000 forums that are contained in the comments section of more than 5,000 contributors... It would be nice, and it is a wish list, but it probably is not attainable...

I think you, Devochka, and the Feck personelle ahe a driving force behind the forums and I can also understand the logistics of not being able to be in more than one place at a time... I admire your devotion to trying to keep everybody happy...

I don't know if you are aware or not, but I lost my dominant eye in Jul of 2006... It took my brain almost a full year to re-learn how to read with the non-dominant eye, and even today, almost 9 years later, it is a poor substitute for the eye I used most of my life... Reading is now laborious and frustrating and I think I now read at about 1/10 the speed I used to have, and there seems to be a loss of comprehension as well... My left eye also has a blind spot and I quite often think I am at the end of a line when I'm not, and wonder why the line below makes no sense, and then I have to re-read it to see what I missed...
So, my involvement on all the Feck forums is less than it was because of the time it takes to read... I try to keep up, but rarely comment anymore, but I do appreciate the time and energy everybody puts into it... Even typing is a pain as it takes so long to fix my own errors before posting, and then more time editing the mistakes I missed...

But back to the mini forums... I remember that BA had similar before the site was revamped and people used to be able to comment on the Overkill items posted by Lauren, and I remember raising the same concerns then about not knowing if or when additional comments had been posted... BA had 2 forums, and thousands of mini forum thread in the overkills... After the site was re-done, it was impossible to make comments, and if you wantedto comment on a secondary submission, you were forced to used the forum and this solved my problem anyway... Now all comments were in a single location and easily seen due to the "flags" for new items I had not seen...

Soooo... I don't know if the ISM problem could be solved by simplification rather than trying to link and flag comments...
Possibly do away with the comments directly on the folios, and steer any and all comments to the forum instead where everybody could see them and identify new material by the forum flags... Just food for thought, and I may have overlooked something or missed a reason why this wouldn't be a good solution...

And then I would only have one other problem which has always been ignored in the past, and probably only affects a small group who like to be able to identify the BA submiitters by means of the x-ref link...
This link is only available if the submitter uploaded BA before the ISM folio...
If the ISM submission is done before the BA submission, at some point the x-ref will be added, but I probably won't be back to see it  lol
I recognize it's not a perfect world, and that's life... It is waht it is smile

Have a good day my lovely Viva, keep smiling... You are doing a fantastic job  xxoo

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#14 January 23rd, 2015 01:53 PM


Re: Amanda_R

ashmedi wrote:

Soooo... I don't know if the ISM problem could be solved by simplification rather than trying to link and flag comments...
Possibly do away with the comments directly on the folios, and steer any and all comments to the forum instead where everybody could see them and identify new material by the forum flags...

That's an interesting suggestion. I imagine that we've kept the ability to comment on folios as a way of making it more likely that contributors will see them. I think most contributors who log into ISM do so to look at their own folio and maybe don't even notice the forum. Maybe most members just look at folios as well, one reason for the low forum participation? Comments on folios are also more permanent than forum posts. It's nice as a contributor to be able to look at old folios and see all the comments still there, while a forum post would have been buried ages ago. Maybe it's just me who does that...

Maybe having a link that directed to the forum (and possibly a post about the folio) under each folio where the comments normally go could help stimulate more activity on the forum from members and contributors. People would go to the forum to talk about the folio, then see other topics that interest them...

trevor wrote:

For another topic and another time, I also have some thoughts on idealised beauty, perfection and imperfection, that I hinted at in commenting upon Ophilia's folio today

Sounds interesting smile

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


#15 January 23rd, 2015 06:39 PM


Re: Amanda_R

Asmedi, your consideration and devotion to the Feck sites is admirable, the more so given the hardship you now have in reading and typing.

Devochka, I agree with you regarding keeping the comments with the applicable folio.  I like looking at old folios too and seeing the comments.  Because the staff do a good job of monitoring the submissions, the comments are a pleasure to read.  I really dislike sites that allow a free for all or mean comments or remarks.  Some degree of coherence and intellegence should be required.  You do a wonderful job.

Thank you for your last comments, Viva.  I agree with you that often the film camera tries to be too "creative" in zooming in and out and changing angles.  I particularly hate it in dance and ice skating because how all the dancers and skaters occupy the space is important.  I'm not a sports fan but I've also noticed that seeing, for example a tennis match, European football match or an American baseball game on television is not as revealing as seeing it at a stadium because one loses the relationships between and among the players when the camera zooms in on particular players.  Your description of women on IFM is lovely and evocative.


#16 January 23rd, 2015 06:52 PM


Re: Amanda_R

Viva, you are a wonderful writer; poetic and lyrical.


#17 January 24th, 2015 07:26 AM


Re: Amanda_R

I've really loved reading the discussion in this & other recent threads...it's exciting to see the forum which I've felt so privileged & excited to be a part of over the past year burst into life again as a new year begins. This past year has been really tough for me so the time I spent chatting with everyone here, all the fascinating conversations & the way people made me feel really welcome & valued meant more to me than I can put in words so a big thank you & loads of love to all those amazing people & a hello to all those I haven't had a chance to say hi to before. It's really moving to see people discover just what an amazing community ISM is.

I also wanted to add that I totally agree about how special it feels when a contributor personally replies to a comment left on her folio, & add to Ashmedi's comment thanking those who do by mentioning & once again thanking the amazing & beautiful Elsa_H & Lena_D who personally replied to mine. I'll never forget how thoughtful & kind their responses were & will always treasure the time we shared chatting in the forum last year. Indeed it was Lena's thread thanking comment-makers that gave me the courage to overcome my shyness & first start posting on the forum so although I can only speak from my experiences & don't know all the possible reasons why more members don't choose to contribute to the forum, if my experience is anything to go by, I really do feel that interaction naturally beginning from the response of contributors to members' comments is a really lovely & natural way to bring both contributors & members together to take their first steps onto the forum & through that, help it flourish. I definitely think that everyone talking about the desire to help the forum is a really positive thing & am looking forward to seeing how everything develops & I'm thinking through some ideas of threads I could start to try & help things too.

But for now, a (belated) very Happy New Year to everyone here:):)

Ben xx

Find your truth. Face your truth. Speak your truth. Be your truth.


#18 January 24th, 2015 09:08 AM


Re: Amanda_R

Thanks for adding your comments Polarod... The forum needs more of the thousands of viewers to become posters, at least on a part time basis if not constantly... It becomes very quiet and lonelyin here without some commentary...

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


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