#1 August 23rd, 2013 11:01 AM


18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

University of Sydney newspaper Honi Soit has been forced to collect and destroy all copies of their most recent issue featuring photographs of 18 students' vulvas on its cover.


The newspaper originally intended to show all of the photos completely uncensored as a stand against the digital manipulation of female genitalia in mainstream porn. You can read more about the Australian classification system here.

Finding that this may be in breach of the law, Honi Soit printed a toned down version with slightly transparent censorship bars across the "most offensive" part of the images, like this:


Here is a link to the offending article, and one with more information about the response.

What does everyone think of this? I'm really glad that Honi Soit took the risk to do this and bring some mainstream media attention to this issue. And even though the print versions have been destroyed we can still circulate the uncensored image on the internet!

Maybe I'm just used to looking at vaginas all day but I think that it would have been fantastic if they had published the original cover. They aren't sexualised images, they show diversity and realism. I imagine they'd almost universally provoke the response "yeah, that's what girl bits look like".

Anyway, let us know what you think smile

Last edited by Laney (August 23rd, 2013 12:32 PM)

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


#2 August 23rd, 2013 11:06 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

VULVAS! the cover is of vulvas.... not vaginas.... reminds me of that **** who published that book of 101 vaginas but only showed vulvas............... idiot


#3 August 23rd, 2013 11:07 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

Aaagh, that's so frustrating! Also thank you for this link, it's an awesome story

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


#4 August 23rd, 2013 11:30 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

tee-hehe... i like that i've got not better to do still than talk about the vagina/vulva problem all day smile

ps did you see http://coedtoplesspulpfiction.wordpress.com/


#5 August 23rd, 2013 11:32 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

i love NY.. wanna go back one day (maybe when i become a famous noise artist)


#6 August 23rd, 2013 11:52 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

Yeah, I saw it! It looks like the best place on earth. I wish I could lie in the sun naked and read all day. Coincidentally a link to that was the ISM FB page's most popular post ever... I think because the girl in the preview picture had big boobies.

Let's all go to NY and laze in the sun forever

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


#7 August 23rd, 2013 12:02 PM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

I haven't bought a magazine for years. Who buys them. When there are no more books or magazines anymore and everything is digital  this kind of thing won't be a problem and anyone who wants to see a vulva can elect to do that smile

They might not be sexualised on the magazine cover, but they are hot!!

My conscious likes the term vulva because it includes the clitoris but my libido likes the term vagina even better than cunt. When I say vagina in a hot context I visualise a vulva smile sorry but if society hadn't started this misnaming habit I wouldn't be left with this affliction smile

I think the outcome of this has been good. This image designed for a few people to see is now being seen by a couple of orders of magnitude more and as a celebration of truth, education  and diversity it's worked well.



#8 August 23rd, 2013 12:31 PM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

Bah it's a student newspaper, why did I call it a magazine. Will change.

I agree Blissed, withdrawing the paper has backfired and made its cover more widely circulated!

Last edited by Laney (August 23rd, 2013 02:54 PM)

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


#9 August 23rd, 2013 05:19 PM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

Oh no, posting this link on facebook got me banned for 7 days!

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


#10 August 23rd, 2013 07:25 PM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

Ha ha posting pictures of cunts is a kind of terrorism smile



#11 August 24th, 2013 02:27 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

I like what Carlin has to say about this at D&R http://dodsonandross.com/blogs/carlin-r … hing-vulva



#12 September 5th, 2013 07:06 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

Personally what I find offensive is the idea that our dangly and hairy bits are offensive. Not always appropriate at the breakfast table while the kids are eating their cornflakes perhaps, but offensive? Shish.

#13 September 5th, 2013 09:55 AM


Re: 18 vulvas on the cover of Honi Soit

mori910a wrote:

Personally what I find offensive is the idea that our dangly and hairy bits are offensive. Not always appropriate at the breakfast table while the kids are eating their cornflakes perhaps, but offensive? Shish.

Totally... photoshopping someone's labia into a 'single crease' so you can show it in Picture magazine and keep an M rating is much more offensive. Luckily there we don't do anything like that here so we can all appreciate the huge range of different pussies in all their glory.

Editor/Admin/Forum queen


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