#1 August 23rd, 2013 09:52 AM


why women aren't crazy

this is such a good article, and it comes from the good men project. have a read and think about whether or not you see this happening to women in your life eh?

http://goodmenproject.com/featured-cont … ent-crazy/


#2 August 24th, 2013 10:19 PM


Re: why women aren't crazy

My enthusiasm to this one has me going.....oh oh oh hands up!!! can I just say sadly I have allowed this to happen to me for most of my life. It Sucks, because then you find out you're Not flipping crazy!!!


#3 August 25th, 2013 06:47 AM


Re: why women aren't crazy

Actually as I'm emotionally very feminine gaslighting happens to me. If your not putting out power, little by little people who overvalue personal power try and take any power you have, as the last thing they did that was unreasonable, that you ignored because you want a quiet life becomes the new reasonable.

Why does it seem like more men do this than women? In  some parts of male culture, disrespect is the default and respect has to be earned. In female culture generally mutual respect is the default and you have to do something to lose it.

I don't conform to the gender binary myself so don't want to get too gender binary here, just a general cultural observation.


Last edited by blissed (August 25th, 2013 06:54 AM)


#4 August 26th, 2013 02:09 PM


Re: why women aren't crazy

It's all about emotional control really innit?

just to add some more fuel to the discussion fire!

http://freibiergesicht.tumblr.com/post/ … aslighting

this kinda stuff doesn't happen to me too often anymore. as i get older i just get a bit more self-assured, but it's a strange thing when you have expectations of how a discussion will go then, and then you are met with this type of force. fuck dealing with that. generally as i rule i don't, i just withdraw from contact until the persyn wises the fuck up


#5 August 26th, 2013 11:17 PM


Re: why women aren't crazy

My comment is based on the definition of gaslighting in the 1st article, Which isn't a fully conscious systematic thingamy. If the 2nd article thinks differently then get em in the ring and have them bash each other up, while I watch eating my version of  popcorn which is a lovely selection of free traded healthy organic snacks smile



#6 August 27th, 2013 01:05 AM


Re: why women aren't crazy

hahaha, fair nuff.

maybe it'll run like this (with opening poem by Maya Angelou)...



#7 August 27th, 2013 04:42 AM


Re: why women aren't crazy

Oh dear, I'm now traumatised after seeing that, what have you done smile



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