#1 March 4th, 2013 10:24 AM


Naked Therapy

I'm only just discovering about Paul Bindram and his naked psychotherapy movement (1967). Seems that back then, nakedness was a way to help people develop spontanaity and learn to love the whole of themselves...

Bindrim’s theories were inspired by the famed psychologist Abraham Maslow (you know, the fellow with the hierarchy of needs) and focused on the acceptance of the naked body as a whole. This message wasn’t particularly unorthodox even if his methodology was. Historian Ian Nicholson describes Bindrim’s birthday suit treatments in his eminently readable paper "Baring the soul: Paul Bindrim, Abraham Maslow and ‘Nude psychotherapy":

Nude therapy was based on the idea of the naked body as a metaphor of the "psychological soul." Uninhibited exhibition of the nude body revealed that which was most fundamental, truthful, and real. In the marathon, Bindrim interrogated this metaphor with a singular determination. Bodies were exposed and scrutinized with a science-like rigor. Particular attention was paid to revealing the most private areas of the body and mind-all with a view to freeing the self from its socially imposed constraints. "This," Bindrim asserted gesturing to a participant’s genitalia and anus, "is where it’s at. This is where we are so damned negatively conditioned" [...] Determined to squelch the "exaggerated sense of guilt" in the body, Bindrim devised an exercise called "crotch eyeballing" in which participants were instructed to look at each others genitals and disclose the sexual experiences they felt most guilty about while lying naked in a circle with their legs in the air [...] In this position, Bindrim insisted "you soon realize that the head end and the tail end are indispensable parts of the same person, and that one end is about as good as the other.:"

(words stolen from here http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=12721)

But there are less extreme methods (and perhaps easier than convincing a few friends to join you in crotch eyeballing) to achieve the same ends (pun intended)...

http://www.theemotionmachine.com/naked- … naked-self


Olive does a fabulous lesson on naked yoga that you should definately follow along to. I recommend stripping at the same pace, cause it's an intense workout!

this public message brought to you in a spirit of sharing... enjoy smile

Last edited by artemesia (March 4th, 2013 11:06 AM)


#2 March 4th, 2013 11:09 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

Damn, this is a great article on the subject...

http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2 … apy/all/1/


#3 March 4th, 2013 04:59 PM


Re: Naked Therapy

Ok, i'm now expanding this thread to include this article by curvaceous dee

http://curvaceousdee.com/2009/11/libido … %e2%84%a2/

the above link is her detailed libido resurrection plan,and i thought this thread a fitting space..

coffee and chocolate are a big help(or hindrance) to me in the libido department...


#4 March 6th, 2013 02:23 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

Naked therapy sounds interesting. I've always found it fascinating how much of an effect basic human contact can have on a person's mood. Personally, I love just laying down with a lover while we're both naked. It doesnt have to be sexual. Just the naked aspect, raw, unencumbered...it's special.


#5 March 6th, 2013 10:25 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

Touch is amazing. I always find myself giving hand massages to the druggy kids at parties (cause I'm not sucha  huggy person on first meeting) and it's great to see how much more balanced they get after a few mins. Usually the jaw stops grinding and they're able to focus a little bit more on what's going on.

Ahh, nakedness with someone else. Kinda what we all crave smile I don't even know if it's about nakedness for me at that stage. Wouldn't it be as much fun to roll about wrestling (not necessarily in a sexy way) with your clothes on?  Or is it more about skin to skin contact?

This actually reminded me that I got propositioned by a friend over the weekend. For mutual masturbation. I agreed to it, but I've only just realised that we might have totally different ideas of what's going to happen there!


#6 March 6th, 2013 11:56 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

I've always been eager to try mutual masturbation but I've no clue how to make it happen.


#7 March 6th, 2013 12:08 PM


Re: Naked Therapy

I guess just offer?? I'm surrounded by a fair few youngers and it seems like this generation is eager to try things. Being the one to openly talk about masturbation surely gets you attention. Finally it paid off, haha!

The strange thing was I had such a buddy buddy approach when she started talking about it. As if it was going to be a sleepover, and instead of us having to hide the fact that we'd probably wank before going to bed, we could just do it in front of each other. She'd bring her own toys, we'd talk about them maybe. Then turn on some porn, skip to a scene we both decide is hot and then buzz buzz away till we get there. Simple eh? But I think watching porn all the time gives you an unrealistic view of how things actually happen. I think she's after a hands-on sort of thing and it makes sense really. It's hard to give yourself a massage, so why not get a friend...

Ask, why not ask?


#8 March 6th, 2013 04:32 PM


Re: Naked Therapy

No one to ask wink


#9 March 6th, 2013 10:18 PM


Re: Naked Therapy

Someone told me that they were walking along a beach in Cornwall and the nicest part was the nudist beach. They put their chairs and towels down and as they sat there they felt out of place and conspicuous wearing clothes, so they took them off smile How to instantly cure our hangups and embarrassment at being naked.



#10 March 7th, 2013 06:26 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

Hey Artemesia...wanna masturbate with me some time? wink

artemesia wrote:

I guess just offer?? I'm surrounded by a fair few youngers and it seems like this generation is eager to try things. Being the one to openly talk about masturbation surely gets you attention. Finally it paid off, haha!

The strange thing was I had such a buddy buddy approach when she started talking about it. As if it was going to be a sleepover, and instead of us having to hide the fact that we'd probably wank before going to bed, we could just do it in front of each other. She'd bring her own toys, we'd talk about them maybe. Then turn on some porn, skip to a scene we both decide is hot and then buzz buzz away till we get there. Simple eh? But I think watching porn all the time gives you an unrealistic view of how things actually happen. I think she's after a hands-on sort of thing and it makes sense really. It's hard to give yourself a massage, so why not get a friend...

Ask, why not ask?


#11 March 7th, 2013 08:49 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

Hahahaha! Luckily my libido is on 24/7 at the moment, cause what's the time difference 8hrs? Could be awkward..

i like awkward


#12 March 7th, 2013 10:37 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

I think I only do awkward, haha.


#13 March 7th, 2013 10:59 AM


Re: Naked Therapy

This is hot!


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