#1 December 4th, 2012 11:04 AM


Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

I don't even know where to begin on this post, but I have to have a rant somewhere cause frankly my repetitious gasps and interjections are starting to drive my colleagues up the wall.


There are some beliefs in the world I will allow to go unchallenged. I might listen politely, maybe even allow myself to indulge in some superstition or fairytale to continue to make my life interesting or give my soul a new space for creative expression.

But deniers...


Sometimes scientific evidence can be wrong, sometimes theories are modified but what does an opinion have to do with scientific fact or evidence? I just can't get over this today. How people like to throw logic out the window and take on a new belief just to suit their lifestyles is beyond me. Climate change is a popular one, no-one likes to look at the sceptics themselves and deny the belief of them having actual credentials (or deny the fact that they are heavily subsidised by the industries they are protecting).

But this is not what's sparked my brain implosion. I've been desensitised to the abuse of statistics for too long a time to take on that part of the battle.

HIV-AIDS deniers! There are HIV-AIDS deniers in the world. I was just reading this article
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/de … rican-life

and it mentions how the cause of treatment for people suffering from AIDS was set back by President Mbeki denial of HIV-AIDS. According to wikipedia "Several scientists have been associated with HIV/AIDS denialism, although they have not themselves studied AIDS or HIV." As well as bassplayer from the Foo Fighters Nate Mendel.

check it out

I'm open to suggestions as to what we as a group would like to deny...Cause why the fuck not. Apparently you don't need anything as ridiculously complicated as 'evidence' to prove it.

The suggestion box is on the table folks.


#2 December 5th, 2012 09:02 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

From a position of knowledge it's healthy sometimes to challenge our assumptions, but if someone's ignorant already that's gonna be problematic smile 

There's different quality of evidence too. All the ideas that enable a plane to fly are tested each time it flies, but there are areas where our knowledge is less secure and that occupies an area of debate. If someone is gonna deny something they have to present their evidence and if they're persistent even when they're evidence is obviously flawed I think that's a moral problem.

For instance I don't really care if climate change is real or not because



Last edited by blissed (December 5th, 2012 09:04 AM)


#3 December 5th, 2012 09:56 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

I'm sorry, I can't resist. 

artemesia wrote:

But deniers...
WHAT THE FUCK? SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? ...... How people like to throw logic out the window and take on a new belief just to suit their lifestyles is beyond me.

I know right; Easter Bunny, Santa, Jeebus.  What is with kids these days? #snrt


#4 December 5th, 2012 10:30 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

blissed wrote:

From a position of knowledge it's healthy sometimes to challenge our assumptions, but if someone's ignorant already that's gonna be problematic smile

absolutely, i love being challenged, but even as people have had their theories disproven, some people hold to their beliefs more firmly, saying that they're entitled to their opinion even though evidence overwhelming points in the other direction (see http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-a … pocalypse).

there needs to be a clearer definition of what can be held as belief (superstitions) and ideas (something that requires evidence), maybe??

ps @Veronicaf- that's kinda my point in a way, kids have been told so many lies from the standpoint of truth, that why should they believe anything we tell them about the holocaust, climate change and the g-spot?


#5 December 6th, 2012 06:38 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

Been looking at some holocaust denying vids and where do they think the people who were sent to concentration camps and never came back actually went. Most seem to be arguing that there is no evidence for gas chambers. But who cares about those details when there are 11 million people missing.



#6 December 6th, 2012 09:21 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

off topic here  this is one of those it can't be real things eh?


i don't where to stick it


#7 December 6th, 2012 10:35 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

Blissed, if it works, THAT IS AWESOME!  Not for dogs for the blind obviously, because really, why would you be driving if you are blind?  But for seizure dogs, it's kind of awesome.  If you can train them to stop a car safely why not?


#8 December 6th, 2012 10:50 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

Ha ha I've posted this on fb but  artemesia posted it here. I too think it's awesome. If you get drunk the pub dog could drive you home smile

It might seem unbelievable but I suppose working a car in a field is simple, it's avoiding other traffic on the road that isn't.

Ooh here's a blind driver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdgQpa1pUUE


Last edited by blissed (December 6th, 2012 10:54 AM)


#9 December 6th, 2012 02:56 PM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

oh oops looked at your name on the post above and mixed em up.  My bad.


#10 December 6th, 2012 11:16 PM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

I definitely don't mind taking the credit though smile



#11 December 7th, 2012 11:20 AM


Re: Fact versus Fiction, eris in the world of eros...

i would just like to add that there is no such thing as a teacup piglet.... pointing this out so no-one gets their hopes up about a possible new friend in their lives. that is all.


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