#1 June 12th, 2012 01:33 PM


birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

howdy folks,

damn, i'm in a blisteringly good mood today, mostly because of the public holiday yesterday... woooh! did you know the queen's birthday is celebrated on different days throughout the commonwealth. basically, it changes according to the people's mood, the weather, and the amount of public holidays in the proposed months of may-june click here for proof from wiki. how lovely it must be to be a monarch... to have your actual birthday overlooked, in the interests of the people.

but we celebrated kanye west day here on friday.... so i'm starting this thread to honour the monarch of modern music, fast times and emerging culture!

Hooray for Kanye!!!



#2 June 12th, 2012 01:42 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way


more kanye!


kanye fan art!

ps i'm in a band now, so who knows, you could be reading the rantings of a soon to be punk princess wink

Last edited by artemesia (June 12th, 2012 01:44 PM)


#3 June 12th, 2012 09:48 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

*Grabs mic* artemesia I'm really happy for you, and I'm a let you finnish, but the Dutch queen has the best birthday of all time, ALL TIME!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfN4ZAcJ … re=related

Actually I think constitutional monarchs can be nice people but they're only commoners with extremely cruel and violent ancestors. I think monarchy should be elected every 7 years. Which is what they have in ireland. The Irish president has a constitutional role similar to the Queen.

So these are my demands. Britain has an elected monarch every 7 years, who is not head of the church of England and we tell the world we're a real country that really exists, not a sad tourist trader busking a fairytale fantasy.

*Hands mic back* smile



#4 June 14th, 2012 05:42 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

Wow! Nice interlude dude. But I am seriously trying to find more information on this democratically elected monarchy you speak of. I feel like you are describing America, where only the royal (those deemed wealthy, powerful or beautiful enough by society) are able to be elected.

And before I put politics aside and celebrate more famous people who have been birthed, what do you think of the idea of randomly selecting party members in government, TLDR; italian researchers think governments would work harder & make better decisions for their country if some of the folk were randomly put there instead of being elected.

and back to putting random pictures of famous people up...



aww broken link....

Last edited by artemesia (June 15th, 2012 02:28 PM)


#5 June 14th, 2012 08:32 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

I'm not describing the USA but Ireland. Where the president has no policy making power and keeps out of politics. And that's the Queens role in England. The Irish presidency was designed specifically to replace the Queen when Ireland got proper independence, So if the exact same role can be elected in Ireland it can be elected in  England.



#6 June 14th, 2012 09:36 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

Ahhhh, i thought that Ireland had an elected monarchy... At least that's how I interpreted your post. Idiot me. Haha! Oh well. Thanks for the clarification blissed smile Geez the dutch know how to party...


#7 June 14th, 2012 10:31 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

They do don't they and they all have a party. I might add though that the queen of England does a fantastic job of sitting through hours of totally boring crap in her honour and not complaining. That boat parade. I saw it on the daily show and what a pittiful load of old bollocks it was!! smile hours of boats going by in the rain, and the climax was, one turned around! it was a big one!!! wooooooo! smile  If I was the queen I'd say couldn't you have something interesting happening on the boats, like a show or something, this is just boring me to death.



#8 June 15th, 2012 12:34 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

and yet you somehow managed to watch it all yourself blissed??? tongue

i wonder how they do that... maybe it's one of the benefits of the centuries of in-breeding; that docility/passivity. i also wonder how they manage to hang on for so long. can you imagine if the parade had to stop cause the queen had to pee. talk about pressure!


#9 June 15th, 2012 09:50 PM


Re: birthdays.... the queenly (and kingly) way

I didn't watch it all, I saw it on the Daily show with Jon stewart. Who took the piss out of it smile I never thought about the queen and prince philip standing for long periods without peeing. I think they employ a wearable solution with descretly removable cartridges smile



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