#1 May 21st, 2012 02:22 PM


pussyriot + riot grrl times!

pussyriot, are a punk band in russia, they played a song in a church, a song that criticised the russian president. now they are being held by police. the charge is hooliganism, and it's pretty serious. they could goto jail for up to 7years...
Russian punk band were doing devil's work, says leader of Orthodox church

the band themselves seem to be an ever changing anonymous collective, making finding their recordings a bit of a hard time..... until now

so i'm putting this out there. YOU, yes, you, in a band... no, not in a band? well bloody well start one lady, cause it's for the cause. i wanna hear the rad music y'all are making. you ismer's inspire the shit outta me visually.... i reckon there's so much out there you wanna say, and i wanna hear, and the louder the noise we make when our sisters goto prison for exercising their right to criticise the current government/institution/manarchist/asshole on the street, the more we'll inspire others to join in too, until we win the whole world over in a grand chorus!

and won't that sound sweet?

Last edited by artemesia (May 21st, 2012 02:24 PM)


#2 June 22nd, 2012 11:50 AM


Re: pussyriot + riot grrl times!


me and zizoo are in a band together!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! so excited. we got a bunch of gigs coming up and we've already done a recording. she is the most babeing babetown babe drummer eva!!!



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