#1 April 18th, 2012 09:16 PM


Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Hi, I ´m new here  I LOVE THIS SITE !!!

I would like to know the name(s) of the contributors of this four "missing videos"... :

Video Pholio´s names are:

"hotcakes 1-2"
"upclose 1-2"

Can you help me ?

THANKS.  Kisses   smile


#2 April 19th, 2012 01:21 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

NIKITO wrote:

I would like to know the name(s) of the contributors of this four "missing videos"... :

Ummmm ... if they are missing, where and how did you get a name???

Last edited by ashmedi (April 19th, 2012 01:25 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#3 April 19th, 2012 02:09 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

ashmedi wrote:
NIKITO wrote:

I would like to know the name(s) of the contributors of this four "missing videos"... :

Ummmm ... if they are missing, where and how did you get a name???

Thanks for answering "Ashmedi".

First of all, my english, is not quite good, i hope you can understand me.

A friend of mind, gave me, few months ago, a cd, where there are some videos that actually we can´t see in the page, these videos, have the folio names, but not the contributors.... and he tells me that, downloaded these videos from here, but over four years ago.

Maybe, i could put some caps of the videos, so somebody could recognize contributors ?


#4 April 19th, 2012 04:02 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Nikito smile

I understand you just fine smile

Raven is the name of a video at IFM, not ISM and is by Eleta
Upclose is the name used on IFM, not ISM, and could be any one of 15 to 25 artists

The other 2 names do not show up ... IFM videos will have the website name on the video ie  IFeelMyself.com and the videos are not supposed to be shared ...

I am guessing the hotcakes and doll_parts are from another site and not ISM or IFM or they have been removed and not available ...

IFM is at  ifeelmyself.com

Last edited by ashmedi (April 19th, 2012 04:03 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#5 April 19th, 2012 05:59 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Thanks again ASHMEDI.

These videos are from ISHOTMYSELF, because appears the "logo" in the video, as you say, i also think, that are removing videos....  i looked for all the videos in the web, without success.

That´s the reason why i asked for, because maybe someone has these videos too, and knows the contributor´s names... the "problem" is that when you "save as" a folio, this is called but only folio´s name.

I use to add the contributor´s name, when i save to my computer, so this way the folder, has the name of the contributor, and the name of the folio.

Maybe i could post one capture of every video, but, about removed videos, maybe it goes against the forum rules...   I will asked to the administrator.


#6 April 19th, 2012 11:22 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Hi NIKITO!  Every so often we may remove content at the contributor's request, and I believe this may have been the case with the videos you mentioned.  We want this project to be a positive experience for all involved, so while the ideal outcome is for contributors to share their beautiful, intelligent and inspiring ideas with you all, sometimes running an ethically motivated business involves saying goodbye to some intriguing work to allow the contributor's  a fair level of control of their image.  I hope you understand.  There are, however, over 400 other entertaining videos and 280 THOUSAND images available for you to enjoy.

Last edited by veronicaf (April 19th, 2012 12:10 PM)


#7 April 23rd, 2012 12:55 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

veronicaf wrote:

Hi NIKITO!  Every so often we may remove content at the contributor's request, and I believe this may have been the case with the videos you mentioned.  We want this project to be a positive experience for all involved, so while the ideal outcome is for contributors to share their beautiful, intelligent and inspiring ideas with you all, sometimes running an ethically motivated business involves saying goodbye to some intriguing work to allow the contributor's  a fair level of control of their image.  I hope you understand.  There are, however, over 400 other entertaining videos and 280 THOUSAND images available for you to enjoy.

Thanks and i understand Veronicaf, simply i have the curiosity of knowing these contributor´s names, i hope somebody can help me.



#8 April 23rd, 2012 12:07 PM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Hey Nikito!
Glad you've come to hangout! Although I can't help with the names of contributors that you've mentioned, I thought I'd point ya to some of the sexy-time ISM vid's. You absolutely HAVE to check out Emile; whileyouweregone
anything by the amazing Cate

And you won't have experienced the site at all unless you have seen the works by Bobby and Gala (do a search on these two, their folios = wow). More recently, posts by Neko_marie (the video about labia love especially!) and the video series NOLA by Sasha_a and Eva_s is easily one of my most favourite things on ISM.

It really is a matter of searching through old forum posts to find the most favourite contributors. And asking....

Last edited by artemesia (April 23rd, 2012 01:46 PM)


#9 April 24th, 2012 07:28 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

artemesia wrote:

Hey Nikito!
Glad you've come to hangout! Although I can't help with the names of contributors that you've mentioned, I thought I'd point ya to some of the sexy-time ISM vid's. You absolutely HAVE to check out Emile; whileyouweregone
anything by the amazing Cate

And you won't have experienced the site at all unless you have seen the works by Bobby and Gala (do a search on these two, their folios = wow). More recently, posts by Neko_marie (the video about labia love especially!) and the video series NOLA by Sasha_a and Eva_s is easily one of my most favourite things on ISM.

It really is a matter of searching through old forum posts to find the most favourite contributors. And asking....

Thanks "Artemesia" for your advices, you have a excellent taste, EMILE is awesome, i saw her at IFM too. I like Bobby and Gala too, or Sequoia or Charlotte V for example ....

You forgot recommend a pretty brunette contributor called Artemesia... i think you know her  :lol


P.S. By the way, i found "doll-parts" contributor´s name.


#10 April 24th, 2012 10:42 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Hey Nikito, don't leave us hanging - who was it! (doll parts)

I can only think of Manko?


#11 April 24th, 2012 06:43 PM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

viva wrote:

Hey Nikito, don't leave us hanging - who was it! (doll parts)

I can only think of Manko?

Hi  Viva, is "Theda ".



#12 April 26th, 2012 07:33 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

I´ve found another one !!!   smile

"upclose 1-2"  by  NIYNA

http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_arti … o=thenewme


#13 May 2nd, 2012 07:54 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Hi, I´ve found another one "raven" contributor´s name is "Missdemeanor"

http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_arti … o=ladylush

There is only one left video folio called "hotcakes 1-2", the blond girl who appears is this:


In the folio this girl makes her breakfast, prepares two pancakes.

Can anybody recognize her ?



P.S. I Tkink this pretty girl speaks in german.

Last edited by NIKITO (May 2nd, 2012 10:41 PM)


#14 May 21st, 2012 06:02 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

Hi Nikito!

Her name is 'Jolien', there is also a image-set from her with the name 'fruitsalad', but her content is removed from ISM I think.


P.S.: I think she´s from the Netherlands ;-)

Last edited by ChrisK (May 21st, 2012 06:04 AM)


#15 May 21st, 2012 06:25 AM


Re: Help With Some "Missing Videos"

ChrisK wrote:

Hi Nikito!

Her name is 'Jolien', there is also a image-set from her with the name 'fruitsalad', but her content is removed from ISM I think.


P.S.: I think she´s from the Netherlands ;-)

Wow !!  Thank you very much CHRISK !!!!


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